Secondary School Direct Forest Way Teaching School Alliance
School Direct School Direct was created to help schools grow their own staff The scheme enables schools to: – Decide who we want to recruit and train – Take a leading role in Initial Teacher Training – Deploy successful NQTs in our network of schools 2
Why choose FWTSA for School Direct PGCE? Well-established School Direct programmes PGCE with 60 Masters credits Superb and detailed training within schools, at the Teaching Schools Alliance and at University Teachers have a wealth of knowledge and skills Trainees are placed in two of our six secondary school for their teaching practices We provide on-going training, development and support, including a 2 year programme for appointed teachers All trainees have 1 week special school experience University of Derby, University of Leicester and Loughborough University have proven track records of providing excellent Initial Teacher Training For all trainee teachers, FWTSA and Universities together can provide highest level academic and practical education for School Direct trainees 3
School Direct Key Features School-led Initial Teacher Training Two types of training place: – The School Direct Training Programme – The School Direct Training Programme (salaried) N.B. FWTSA are only offering the Training Programme Expectation of employment 4
School Direct Training Programme Route Funded by tuition fees paid by the trainee (£9,000) Trainees eligible for the standard support package (bursaries, tuition fee loans, and scholarships) Trainees may be eligible for a tax-free bursary dependent on subject and degree class 5
Eligibility 2015/16 SUBJECT SCHOLARSHIP TRAINEE WITH 1 ST /PHD 2:1/MASTERS 2:2 OTHER Physics 25,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 9,000 Maths 25,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 9,000 Chemistry, Computing 25,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 Languages 25,000 20,000 15,000 Biology 15,000 12,000 10,000 Primary Maths 12,000 12,000 12,000 9,000 Geography, D & T 12,000 9,000 4,000 Music 9,000 4,000 4,000 English, History, RS, Primary 9,000 4,000 6
Subjects we offer 2016/17: Biology Business Studies Chemistry x 2 Design - Food - Product - Textiles Drama English x 4 Geography 7 History Maths x 4 MFL x 2 (French) Music PE x 5 Physics x 2 Psychology Social Science
Secondary Entry Requirements At least a 2:1 degree in their subject (in exceptional circumstances in shortage subjects a 2:2 may be accepted with other experience) GCSE grade C or above in English and maths gained prior to application Minimum 2 weeks’ experience in a Secondary School Academic and professional references Requirement to pass Professional Skills tests before starting the course 8
School Direct Information Evening Wednesday 28 th October Starts at 5.30pm 9
Help with the Application Visit the Forest Way Teaching School Alliance website Visit the UCAS site with details and video of how to apply training 10
Contacts 11 FWTSA - Secondary Helen Joy Teaching School Lead Tel: Sheila Dennis School Direct Programme Leader (Secondary)