Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 1  Performance (linearity, resolution, tails) studied on: -- Rome data  Many different.


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Presentation transcript:

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 1  Performance (linearity, resolution, tails) studied on: -- Rome data  Many different samples -- CSC data  Z   sample 5148 (25Kevts)  J2/J4/J5/J6/J7 samples 5011/13/14/15/16 (89Kevts)  J4/J6/J7 Herwig/Jimmy samples 5033/35/36 (85kevts)  W  e sample 5100 (22Kevts)  SU3 sample 5403 (19Kevts)  top sample 5200 (43Kevts) EtMiss in ATHENA: Status and Performance

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 2 MET_Final = MET_Calib + MET_Cryo + MET_ Muon All Calorimeter cells in |  |<5 |Ecell | > 2  (noise) H1-weights from jets Calorimeter cells in topoclusters 4/2/0 H1-weights from jets OR from reco jets (cone07) OR EtMiss Reconstruction and Calibration in ATHENA MissingET Calorimeter cells in topoclusters 4/2/0 Em/HadClassification/LocalHadCalib Dead material correction from MOORE muons in |  | < 2.7 BestMatch /good quality from MuonBoy muons in |  | < 2.7 Refinement of Calibration for cells in different objects (e/ , ,,jets...) Topoclusters 4/2/0 Em/HadClass/LocalHadCalib Dead material correction Estimated energy loss in cryostat between LAr and Tile from reco jets (kT) w*sqrt(EM3*TILE1)

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 3 Linearity vs EtMiss in Rome and CSC data

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 4 Resolution vs SumET in CSC data Resolution depends on Noise suppression, Calibration, Dead material correction … physics channel topology, presence of leptons, activity out of coverage...

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 5 Comparing different CSC data samples Top, SU3, Jets NjetspT leading jetpT next-to-leading jet SumET electrons SumET-SumETjets-SumETele EtMissout

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 6  (Ex(y)miss) vs SumET in CSC Jets data (Pythia and Herwig)

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 7  EtMiss compare Truth, TruthMu, Moore Mu, MuonBoy Mu EtMiss tails in CSC jets (J6) Tails due to fake muons reduced respect to Rome: Events with EtMiss>100Gev: EtMissTruth:582, EtMissTruthMu:1197, EtMissMoore:1246, EtMissMuonBoy:1197 F. Paige is looking in detail to events in tail  |  | of the leading jet and of the next-to-leading jet when |EtMissTruth–EtMissTruthMu|>100 see Naoko talk next session  A special production to study fake EtMiss: QCD Jets and Z+jets with jets pointing to cracks with Dead material hits

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 8 Performance in CSC data for EtMiss calculated from Topocluster cells similar to Rome data: Linearity and Resolution stable using H1-weights from jets (CellWeightToolG4hack) Tails reduced: Muon term improved respect to Rome No pathological cells discovered up to now A special production foreseen to study fake EtMiss: QCD Jets and Z+jets with jets pointing to cracks next: Topocluster Local HadronCalibration + Dead material correction very preliminar results: see Silvia talk this session Refined (object based) calibration: very first implementation foreseen for –jet samples: starting from jets navigate back to Topo and back to cells - apply jet depending weights to cells belonging to Topo inside a jet –for more complex events: can do after Event View, same as before, but for various different objects (e/ , taus, jets…) see Silvia talk next session Missing ET in Athena: Conclusions and future plans

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 9 Backup slides

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 10  (Ex(y)miss) vs SumET in CSC data from ATLFAST At high energy worsening of Atlfast EtMiss resolution Jet smearing in Atlfast :   (E)/E=0.5*sqrt(E) |  |<3.2  (E)/E=1.0*sqrt(E) |  |>3.2 in central region costant term dominant when jet energy>  300GeV

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 11 Final EtMiss Resol =  fit ( MET_Truth ( NonInt ) – MET_Final ) Calo EtMiss Resol =  fit ( MET_Truth ( Int ) – MET_Calib+cryo ) Dete EtMiss Resol =  fit ( MET_Truth ( Int+Muonspl ) – MET_Final ) ETmiss Performance in : Ex(y)Miss Resol from TopoCluster vs SumET for SU1 Rome evts Final Ex(y)miss Resol = p0 *  SumET SumET >0 Moore muons In TDR: p0 for Final ~ 0.46 (Z°  , A°   )

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 12 CSC top events: compare  (EtMiss) for events with electrons, muons, Noelectron or muon Electrons Muons No ele or muons

Hadronic Calibration Workshop Munich - May 06 D. Cavalli – S. Resconi 13 EtMiss Performance in Rome data : Tails  dead/noisy/hot cells in calorimeters In Rome data pathological cells in LArg strips with very large negative or positive energy (only some samples and <3%) - problem not understood..  Muons fake or double or badly measured In Rome data some % mostly in high pT jets - use good quality combined muons for EtMiss calculation  energy lost in dead material, cracks: study with CSC special production see Naoko talk this session  Beam gas and machine background, displaced vertexes... SumET cut