Civics & Economics Course Introduction
C & E Civics: The study of government and citizenship. & Economics: The study of economic systems.
The Course One semester Graduation Requirement NCFE (NC Final Exam) – 25% of final grade
Course Units Unit 1: Macroeconomics/How Economies Function Unit 2: Microeconomics/Personal Financial Literacy Unit 3: The Economic Role of Government/Global Trade Unit 4: Foundations and Development of American Government Unit 5: American Systems of Government Unit 6: American Legal Systems Unit 7: American Citizenship Unit 8: Conflict Resolution in a Democracy (Politics)
To calculate your quarterly average, I use two grade categories: MAJOR grades and DAILY grades. Each category is 50% of the total. (50%) MAJOR grades are end-of-unit tests, major projects, and quizzes. ( 50%)DAILY grades are classwork, homework, and short assignments.
Please get…. A three-ring binder or a folder dedicated to this course.
Expectations 1. Come to class on time, come to class prepared, obey all school rules, and behave respectfully to me and to your classmates. 2.Listen attentively to class lectures and presentations. 3.Attend class regularly.
4.Complete all assignments to the best of your ability and on time. Assign- ments missed due to absence are your responsibility and should be made up promptly. 5.Apply consistent effort and exhibit a positive attitude.
6. Communicate! I am available and extremely approachable. Please call or me if you need me (home Note: You and your parents can track your academic information using “Power School.” I hope you will take advantage of this tool to help you monitor your progress.
Technology Rules 1.Bring your laptop to class every day. 2.Laptops are instructional tools. Social networking (facebook, skype, ing, etc.) is not appropriate and will not be allowed. 3.Cell phones are to be turned off and remain out of sight during class.
Contribute to the Learning Environment I am here to teach and you are here to learn. I will let you know when/if your behavior or actions interfere with either your own learning or the learning of others. I expect you to adjust your behavior or actions appropriately.
I Hope You Enjoy the Course!