Gravity Cruiser By Emma, Julia, Layla, George, and Dean
Our Crew
Mission Statement The Super Crew promises to... For this project team Super Crew wants to accomplish goals. Our goals are to get our Gravity Cruiser to go at least 12 feet. We also hope to make our Gravity Cruiser completely recyclable to the Earth. To accomplish this goal we will work as a team, be responsible, and hard working. We will also all need to contribute and give good ideas toward the project. Each and everyday we will come prepared and ready to be the best we can be! This is what the Super Crew will and is going to do!
Character Traits Layla: Trustworthy, responsible, kind, hard working, dependable. Julia: Orderliness, self control, dependable, purpose, kind. George: Respectful, accountability, communication, purpose, loyalty. Emma: Hard working, kind, dependable, respectful, communication. Michael: Happy, concerned, communication, confident, lively.
Some Variables
Day One Made our bottom of the cruiser and started with little wheels in front and big ones in back. Cut straws and taped then onto the bottom. TRIAL ONE Car went 287 centimeters and the right wheel in the front was rubbing against the plastic. Also we had the big wheels in front and little ones in the back. It took 3.17 seconds. TRIAL TWO Car went 278 centimeters and took 3.79 seconds. TRIAL THREE.Car went 281 centimeters and in 4.13 seconds. TRIAL FOUR Now the little wheels are now in the back again and the big wheels are in the back. Car went 275 1/2 centimeters in seconds. AFTER we are fixing tape on the Car and we think if we fix it then it will make it better
Day One Cont. TRIAL FIVE All big wheels went crooked to the left. TRIAL SIX All big wheels; tape on the front and back crooked to the left to. We found out that the tape was lose. TRIAL SEVEN Put wheels more equal to each other. Went 287 centimeters in also the tape was lose. TRIAL EIGHT Had Dominic help us re-tape it. Car went straight and went 7 ft. in 2.8 seconds. Last bit went slightly to the left.
Day Two We started to construct the top of the car, cutting and measuring to make it perfect. Starting trials with just the top two panels. We also switched to all big wheels for our car. TRIAL ONE Went to the left right away after the first meter. TRIAL TWO Went strait until about seven meters. TRIAL THREE Went to the left slightly until about four meters. TRIAL FOUR Went Strait. TRIAL FIVE Went the tiniest bit to the left. TRIAL SIX Curving to the left trying to fix something about it... NOTES: Figured out our tape was the problem going to fix it. Instead of using duct tap we are trying the clear tape, maybe it will work better. we also figured out the axles weren't parallel. TRIAL SEVEN Not far but actually went strait.
Day Two Cont. NOTES: Changing the tape to make it go farther. Fixed the parallel problem. TRIAL EIGHT Went to the right even after fixing the tape on the side of the wheel. We also noticed that the tape was lose so that's why it wasn't working. TRIAL NINE Crooked to the right. NOTES: Fixed it again and changed the axel to make it more to the left to see if it made it better. TRIAL TEN Curved to the left. TRIAL ELEVEN Went sixteen feet and went straight. TRIAL TWELVE Curved to the right again.
Day Three Today is the day we are making the lever part of our Gravity Cruiser, but we just did one test without it first. We had to do 5 tests without pennies and 5 with them. The first 5 are the ones without pennies. TRIAL ONE Went strait and went really far! NOTES: We are making the lever by examining a prototype. NOTES: We are about to start testing with the lever we built TRIAL TWO Went slow but went far and without the ramp anymore. TRIAL THREE Went strait but stopped at 338 1/2 centimeters
Day Four Today is just another testing day we are going to start our PowerPoint for presenting. TRIAL ONE Went really far today. TRIAL TWO Went strait TRIAL THREE Went strait NOTES: Going to try adding another vile of pennies to our cruiser.
Day Five Starting our testing first. TRIAL ONE Went strait TRIAL TWO Went to the left and didn't go far NOTES: Fixing axle for the wheels, found out one of the wheels is too small thinking of replacing it. TRIAL THREE After fixing the wheel it went strait. TRIAL FOUR Was going strait then fell over. TRIAL FIVE Isn't moving we don't really know why. TRIAL SIX Now its going far and strait. NOTES: putting another vile of pennies on the back. TRIAL SEVEN Went strait and went far.
Day Six TRIAL ONE Mr. Bishop helped us add ‘good friction’ to our Gravity Cruiser TRIAL TWO It works! Taking off pennies for less weight
Design Specifications The vehicle name is Charlie. Our primary goal is to make our vehicle travel safely for the kids and to make it fun! Our travel goal is to make our Gravity Cruiser go 7 meters. The wheel diameter is 7 cm. The axle diameter is 19cm. The distance from the fulcrum to the string attachment is 54 cm. The distance from the fulcrum to the weight is 27 cm. Weight of attached pennies is about 72 grams. Some other features include 2 sets of weights and ‘good friction’.
Design Specifications cont. The ‘good friction’ makes the wheels turn at a slower pace but, make the Gravity Cruiser grip the axle better to make Charlie go farther. While the extra weight will propel the Gravity Cruiser to go farther.
How did we change the Gravity Cruiser? We did many tests to test the wheels, string, pennies and, plastic. If the Gravity Cruiser went to the left or right we checked the wheels to make sure that they were parrell. If the wheels went slowly we checked the tape to make sure it was not creating friction. If the weight was not going up or down we added more pennies. We had to do a lot of changing but, it was worth it… to fulfill the goals of the Super Crew!
Questions? Where did you get the ideas to create the Gravity Cruiser? We looked at a prototype and discussed with our group to get ideas. What was the biggest challenge? Probably coming to a census and listening to everything because, we all had ideas. Anything else? Fell free to ask!
Mission Statement Cont. Have you noticed? The Super Crew has worked as a team to record data. Help each other out and listen to each other’s ideas. If we did have any problems we tried to work them out together and maintain self control. We worked together on everything from the wheels, to the weight. Even this PowerPoint shows it! We worked on it at the weekend and at school. How? As a team! Because, that is what Super Crews do.
Thanks For Watching THE SUPER CREW