Year 11 History revision Quiz
Roaring 20s 1.In what year was the first talkie? 2.Who was Louis Armstrong? 3.Name 2 sports which became popular in the 1920s 4.Who were being hunted down in the Palmer raids? 5.What was America's first policy towards immigrants called? 6.Who did the KKK like? 7.What did the Women’s Temperance Union and the Anti- saloon league have in common? 8.What was a ‘model T’? 9.What was the name of an illegal drinking saloon? 10.What were the names of the 3 republican Presidents?
Answers to Roaring 20s Famous Jazz musician 3.Baseball/boxing/American football/tennis/golf 4.Communists 5.Open door policy 6.WASPs 7.Both groups wanted prohibition 8.A Ford car 9.Speakeasy 10.Harding, Coolidge and Hoover
Hitler’s Germany 1.What is another name for the ‘Brownshirts’? 2.What was Hitler’s first economic priority? 3.In which city did Hitler hold a ‘putsch’ in 1923? 4.What did Josef Goebbels do in the Nazi party? 5.What is the Reichstag? 6.On which night was Ernst Rohm killed? 7.What does autarky mean? 8.What do the 3 Ks refer to? 9.In which year was the first concentration camp set up? 10.What did Hitler replace the Bible with in the Reich church?
Hitler’s Germany answers 1.SA 2.To decrease unemployment 3.Munich 4.Minister for Propaganda 5.German parliament 6.Night of the long knives 7.To be self-sufficient 8.Women – children, church and kitchen (Dachau) 10. Mein Kampf (His book)
Race relations 1.What was the Jim Crow Army? 2.What does CORE stand for? 3.Which organisation helped provide a lawyer in the Topeka vs Brown case? 4.What year was Little Rock? 5.In which town did Rosa Parks refuse to get off the bus? 6.Who set up the Freedom rides? 7.In which year did Martin Luther King win the Nobel Peace Prize? 8.In which year was Martin Luther King assassinated? 9.What did Huey Newton and Bobby Searle start? 10.How were Black Americans restricted from voting?
Race relations answers 1.Segregated army units in WW2 2.Congress of racial equality 3.NAACP Montgomery 6.CORE The Black Panthers 10. Literacy test and poll tax
Paper 1 1.How many points did Wilson have? 2. In which year did Hitler sign a non-aggression pact with Poland? 3.Who signed the ‘Pact of Steel’? 4.Who thought he had made ‘Peace in our time’? 5.In which country was the Sudetenland? 6.In which year did the Abyssinian crisis start? 7.Which country did Germany want Anschluss? 8.How many times a year did the League of Nations assembly meet? 9.How many battleships were Germany allowed in the Treaty of Versailles? 10.Which American President was at the Yalta conference?
Paper 1 answers Italy and Germany 4.British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain 5.Czechoslovakia Austria 8.Once Roosevelt