Friday, 10/28 Please write the question on a sheet of paper. What are some reasons why people immigrate? List at least five reasons.
Where did they come from? MOSTLY FROM: Northern/Western Europe (Before 1890) –English, Scots, Irish, Germans, Scandinavians Southern /Eastern Europe (After 1890) –Italians, Greeks, Slavic peoples (Poles, Slovaks, Czechs, Croats, Serbs, Ukrainians, Russians, Armenians)
To clarify… Before 1880, most European immigrants came from northwest Europe After 1880, most European immigrants came from southwest Europe
Why did they leave? Push and Pull Reasons of Course!
How much did the US Population change over time? US population 1860: 31.5 million US population 1920: 61.5 million What a HUGE addition - 30 million more people!
How many Immigrants came to the United States?
Lack of Jobs
Government Tyranny
Crop Failures! Land Shortages!
High Taxes/ Cost of Living
Political or Religious Persecution
How did immigrants get here? Steamships made of iron and steel 2-3 weeks to 1 week by 1900 “birds of passage”-Created “birds of passage”-single male worker who came for a short time, earn money, and return home
Steerage – for the “Economically Disadvantaged” Most immigrants traveled in Steerage (large open area under the ship’s deck) Cheap fares Limited toilet facilities with no privacy
Steerage postcard
Ports of Entry Boston Philadelphia Baltimore Seattle San Francisco New YorkBut New York was most popular!
Entrance to USA In 1886 greeted by Statue of Liberty in NY harbor
What do you think she represented to immigrants?
Castle Garden Overwhelmed by 1890!Overwhelmed by 1890! 70% of all European immigrants arrived in NYC70% of all European immigrants arrived in NYC
ELLIS ISLAND In 1892 an immigration center opened at Ellis Island in NY harbor to “process” those in lower- class/”steerage”In 1892 an immigration center opened at Ellis Island in NY harbor to “process” those in lower- class/”steerage” Immigrants were given a medical check- up and asked a series of questions
Sometimes immigrants were “quarantined” (isolated to prevent the spread of disease): tuberculosis, small pox, measles Some were even deported due to serious diseases: trachoma or other reasons The caption reads... Held at Ellis Island – Undesirable emigrants to be taken back by steamship company that brought them
Deportation of “idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded persons, epileptics, insane persons; …persons with chronic alcoholism The Ellis Island record of an immigrant who deemed "feebledminded" by US officials, then summarily deported. (source:
After the Medical Exam, an interview… Name? Occupation? Who paid your fare? Can you read or write? How much money do you have? Have you been to prison or in a poorhouse? Where are you going? Do you have a job already?
Many Immigrants Received New Names Buchenroth=Roth Stefanopoulous= Stevens