Early Writing Experiences - Why is physical development important? - How can I support my child’s physical development. - Stages of writing. - Supporting my child’s writing.
Physical development - Play and explore, active learning, creating and thinking critically. - Physical development has shown to enhance children’s concentration, motivation, learning and well-being. - Reasons for decrease in children’s physical development.
What kinds of activities do children need to participate in to develop the fine and gross motor skills that will help them “prepare to write”? Object-handling activities that emphasize motor control, precision, and accuracy of movement.
Suggested Activities Water play Writing in shaving cream/fun foam Lacing cards Tweezers games Play-dough Scissors Using a hole punch Clay Eyedroppers Pegboards Cotton swabs Sorting games Clothespins Puzzles Paintbrush and water Tearing paper Stringing beads Easel painting Writing with different tools Self-help skills Finger-painting Puppets Chalkboard writing Finger plays
Gross motor movement -Whole body movements e.g. walking, running, skipping --Hand –eye coordination e.g. throwing, catching -Playground play – climbing, jumping, crawling
“If children are provided with marking tools, a suitable surface on which to write, and a safe place to play, they begin to make marks at quite an early age.” Judith Schickendanz, 2000
Stages of Writing Drawing Scribbles Letter-like Forms Letter Strings Copying Environmental Print Invented Spelling Conventional Spelling
Things to Write On: Stationery Note pads Order forms Receipts Calendars Chalk boards Dry erase boards Theme-shaped paper Post-it notes Unlined paper Variety of paper Clipboard with paper Ready-made books Paper plates Old forms Junk mail Etch-a-sketch Magnadoodle Textured paper Lined paper
Things to Write With: Chubby markers Thin markers Pencils Colored pencils Crayons Ball point pens Chalk Sidewalk chalk Dry erase markers Alphabet stamps Paint Gel pens
Accessories and Tools: Marker stand Tape Envelopes Writing caddy Ruler Stamps Magnetic letters Ink pad Index cards Stencils Yarn Scissors Wallpaper samples Magazines Catalogs Journals Word cards Sentence strips
Kinds of Writing Activities include: Journals Message boards Letters, cards Lists Write the room Response to literature Dictation
Points to Remember: Reading and writing develop together, not separately. Models, collaboration, and choices promote writing. Intentional teaching of writing develops young writers. Make it fun and active. Children need to see what’s in it for them and see adults modelling writing.
Handwriting and Letter formation Pencil grip Colouring and patterns – hand eye coordination Tables and chairs Start with large movements first Multi-sensory Warm up hands – strength and stamina Developing core stability and shoulder stability Letter families Writing tools
Now your child is ready to write, lets remind ourselves of the steps. -Physically ready -Thinks and remembers what they want to write. -How to hold a pencil. -Segmenting and blending -Letter formation -Left to right -Tracking -Repeating the process for each letter.