Chapter 7 Cognition Intelligence
Chapter 8 s at how one uses knowledge to analyze situations, solve problems, make decisions and use language.
Thinking: manipulating mental images (not physically present) in order to draw conclusions. 2 main ways of “thinking”: Mental Images & Concepts 1. Mental Images What #’s 1-10 only have curved lines? * mentally visualize & then look at the image of each #. Not limited to “pictures” from images that involve senses. Example: create mental image of taste & texture of peanut butter.
2. Concepts We form categories for objects, events or situations that share similar characteristics. Example: The concept “Food” = Sardine to an Apple
Language: System for combining symbols to produce meaningful statements. With little effort, you produce hundreds of new sentences every day.
Intelligence: The potential ability to acquire new ideas or behavior, personality, emotions etc… IQ 100 = Average IQ 140+ = Gifted IQ 55 = Moderate Retardation IQ / Intelligence is not how smart or dumb you are but equals aptitude (talent or ability). IQ is NOT highly correlated with race. IQ does relate with socio-economic status.
Intelligence Tests: Stanford-Binet WISC III (15 years & below) WAIS III (16 years & above) Wisconsin (retardation) Terman or Mensa (genius)
Mensa or Terman Social organization for geniuses Looks at how smart you are against the “smartest” * First one takes the WAIS (score 140 ) * Then one takes the Mensa moyVuE
Howard Gardner Gardner says there is not just one intelligence but 8 intelligences
1. Linguistic Able to communicate well with others Can read and comprehend well Counselors 2. Logical-Mathematical Scientists Word problems 3. Spatial Build things and know how it all works 4. Bodily Kinesthetic How well one uses their bodies Athletic Can walk and chew gum at the same time
5. Musical/Artistic A. Creativity (Draw, Paint) B. Appreciation (Exposure to many things) 6. Interpersonal Get along well with “others” 7. Intrapersonal Know “yourself” well Have common sense 8. Naturalist How one interacts with the outdoors