Високовъглеродна бедност и нисковъглероден просперитет Юлиан Попов София 29 Септември 2009
Supply versus demand (1.6% pa) Source: ITPOES 2008 mbd
Source: IEA WEO 2008 mbd Global production of oil The gap to make up for depletion in existing fields: Six Saudi Arabias Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2008 The IEA is also concerned
Energy Intensity Gross inland consumption of energy divided by GDP (kilogram of oil equivalent per 1000 Euro)
Denmark and Sweden Economic growth and carbon emissions between 1990 and %44%Sweden - 14%43%Denmark Carbon emissionsEconomic growth
The Green Rich List 1 1 Warren Buffett USA £27bn Wind power 2 Bill Gates USA £26bn Renewable fuel 8 Paul Allen USA £11.5bn Natural fuels 10 Sergey Brin USA £7.5bn Green energy 10 Larry Page USA £7.5bn Green energy 35 Sir Richard Branson UK £1.2bn Renewable energy 37 Otto Happel Germany £1.1bn Solar power 46 Petter Stordalen Norway £700m Renewable energy 49 Tulsi Tanti India £648m Wind Turbines 50 Jaiprakash Gaur India £620m Wind power
Green Rich List 2 52 Xiaofeng Peng China £560m Solar power 59 Cheung Yan and family China £470m Paper recycling 61 David Werklund Canada £400m Oil recycling 64 Wang Chuanfu China £375m Eco-friendly transport 65 Shi Zhengrong China £370m Solar power 68 Dou Zhenggang China £325m Waste-to-energy 69 Yoon Seok-Keum S Korea £310m Solar power 70 Bruce Cheng Taiwan £300m Renewable energy 70 Ralph Sarich Australia £300m Carbon-free development 76 Lu Xiang-yang China £275m Green transport
The Green Rich List 3 78 Anu Aga India £250m Energy conservation 78 Jin Baofang China £250m Solar power 78 Angela Bennett Australia £250m Carbon-free development 78 Miao Shouliang China £250m Renewable energy 78 Akio Toyoda and family Japan £250m Green transport 83 Liansheng Miao China £222m Solar power 84 Zhu Gongshan China £220m Solar power 84 Olivia Lum Singapore £220m Clean energy 87 Elon Musk S Africa £210m Solar power and green transport 90 Jean-Michel Germa France £200m Wind power
The Green Rich List 4 90 Lu Yonghua China £200m Solar power 90 Huang Ming China £200m Solar power 90 Terry Peabody Australia £200m Waste and industrial recycling 90 Zhang Weihua China £200m Industrial recycling 90 Chen Wukui and family China £200m Solar power 90 Li Xianshou China £200m Solar power 90 Qu Xiaohua China £200m Solar power 90 Huh Yong-do S Korea £200m Wind power 90 Jifan Gao China £200m Solar power
CountryUSDbn UK2 Australia2 Canada3 France7 Japan12 Germany14 EU23 South Korea31 US112 China221 Зелени стимулативни пакети
Climate change is the most serious problem facing the world Source Eurobarometer
Climate change should be a main issue at the European elections % (Source Eurobarometer)