definition: a puzzling or inexplicable a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation; a person of puzzling or a person of puzzling or contradictory character; contradictory character; a saying, question, or a saying, question, or picture containing a hidden meaning or riddle.
enigma: uh- nig -muh pronunciation:
RELATED FORMS: enigmatic (adjective) enigmatical (adjective) enigmatically (adverb)
The shape of the world was an enigma that befuddled people for years.
Solving the enigmatical wooden puzzle kept me occupied for hours.
Gordian knots look different from each other, but they are all enigmatic and can only be solved by "cutting the Gordian knot."
Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is well known for her enigmatic smile.
Amelia Earhart enigmatically disappeared during her around-the-world flight in 1937, causing much speculation about what happened to her.
His two-sided personality is enigmatic ; one minute, he is sensitive and sweet, and the next he is truculent.
Finding the way can be enigmatic. Enter here!