Where is New England? New England is a region of the United States located in the northeastern corner of the country, bounded by the Atlantic Ocean, Canada.


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Presentation transcript:

Where is New England? New England is a region of the United States located in the northeastern corner of the country, bounded by the Atlantic Ocean, Canada and the state of New York, consisting of the following states: MaineMaine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode IslandNew HampshireVermontMassachusettsRhode Island Connecticut It is called New England, because it is one of the earliest English settlements in the New World, English Pilgrims from Europe first settled in New England in 1620, in the colony of Plymouth.

The Puritans came to New England to pursue religious freedom.

Puritan Beliefs THEOCRACY: The Bible is LAW!!!! The bible was to be treated as an instruction manual from God. Their people should live by every word in the Bible.

Puritan Beliefs They believed in hard work and religion. They didn’t celebrate holidays or birthdays and didn’t have leisurely outlets.

Puritan Struggles Bitter weather Sickness and death Devastating fires Drought Insect infestation that killed their crops Famine Attacks from the Native Americans! They Needed someone to Blame!!!!!

Who better to Blame than…. The Devil!!!

Puritan Fears They lived in constant fear of the forest that surrounded them. They began to believe that some people may be signing the devil’s book in the forest.

Young girls convinced their Puritan town of Salem that there were witches in their community. Why?

When the trials began the accused were older, single women or those who did not attend church.

People who were convicted a witch… Those who did not know their 10 commandments. Those who would not confess to being a witch. Those who didn’t survive torture methods such as swimming a witch and the ducking stool were considered witches.

Mass Hysteria People began to accuse their enemies as a way of having them eliminated. People also accused others so that they could have/buy their land after they were executed. The hysteria began when upstanding citizens of the community began to be accused as a witch.

Spectral evidence 100 guilty verdicts 20 executed What caused the madness to finally cease? When politician’s wives were accused, the madness was put to an end.

The Crucible A play written by Arthur Miller in Many of the characters and facts he uses in his play were taken from real life events.

cru·ci·ble (kro ̵̅ o ̅ ′sə bəl) noun a severe test or trial

Why did Arthur Miller write The Crucible?

Joseph McCarthy – Republican Senator of Wisconsin 1950 – convinced many that there were Communists working in the US government Miller believed McCarthy was performing witch hunts in looking for communists in the U.S.

Arthur Miller was called to testify!! The House Committee on Un-American Activities investigated Miller and called him to testify after the publication and production of The Crucible. He was found guilty of contempt of Congress for his refusal to discuss his colleagues and associates.