Vocabulary for the month of April (in honor of Earth Day / en honor al planeta Tierra) creado por señora Bennett
Can you name 13 zoo animals in español? Can you name 4 farm animals? We will have our Matching Vocabulary Quiz the of April 30 th.
Essential Question: Can you name ANY 13 zoo animals in español? Please, memorize the following zoo animals: españolpronunciationinglés los animaleslos a nee ma les the animals la jirafala hee ra fa the giraffe el camelloel ka me yo the camel la cebrala se bra the zebra el rinoceronteree no se ron te the rhino el hipopótamoee po pó ta mo the hippo el leónel le ón the lion el elefante el elefante the elephant el monoel mo no the monkey el canguroel kan goo ro the kangaroo el gorilael go ree la the gorilla el tigreel tee gre the tiger la serpientela ser pea en te the snake
Essential Question: Can you name 4 farm animals in español? Please, memorize the following vocabulary for our Oral Quiz the last week in April: Practice Website- españolpronunciationinglés el perroel pe rro the dog el gatoel ga to the cat el caballoel ka ba yo the horse la vacala ßa ka the cow
Essential Questions: Can you name 13 zoo animals in español? Can you name 4 farm animals in español? You can practice los animales del zoológico & animales domésticos (house pets or domestic animals): Remember, you are responsible for memorizing 13 of the following zoo animals (practice 1 st link), and for memorizing 4 assigned farm animals (practice 2 nd link):
Tips for studying: You can make flashcards of the animals having español on one side of the card/paper and English on the other side and/or draw your own animals. You can make flashcards of the animals having español on one side of the card/paper and English on the other side and/or draw your own animals. You can practice on señora Bennett’s website. You can practice on señora Bennett’s website. You can study from your very own handout and/or draw pictures of the animals from your vocabulary list. You can study from your very own handout and/or draw pictures of the animals from your vocabulary list. Have a happy Earth Day! ¡ Qué tengas un buen día del planeta Tierra!