1 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Deployment Propose is the main focus of Iteration-6
2 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Delivery philosophy AstroGrid-1 will deliver AstroGrid-2 is not an excuse not a continuous programme Descope if necessary : NOW
3 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Two Projects AstroGrid-A: 70% done generic VO s/w suite contributions to standards programme AstroGrid-B: 10% done working implementation for UK astronomers physical grid of resources
4 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans AstroGrid-B failures doesn't work no data no machines nothing useful to do presentation in Serbo-Croat
5 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans AstroGrid-B failures doesn't work no data no machines nothing useful to do presentation in Chinese
6 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Model-1 our job is to write the software suite data centres will deploy our s/w if they like it doesn't deliver our promises we ARE the data centres
7 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Model-2 working with data centres will be the main goal of Iteration-8 much too late AGSAG have nothing to respond to no lessons learned - deployment needs iteration too
8 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Model-3 each iteration includes a rolling deployment deployment needs a stable code base physical deployment needs a different mind set
9 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Model-4 stagger A and B iterations Deploy-1 uses Itn-05 s/w Deploy-2 uses Itn-06 s/w etc
10 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Releases distinguish types of release internal s/w suite releases : I external s/w suite releases : E physical deployments : D AGSAG see only D-types world VO projects see E-types data centres see E-types
11 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Schedule end MarchI5 end JulyI6 D1 using I5 E1 end SeptI7 D2 using I6 end DecI8 D3 using I7 E2
12 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Whats involved ? code tidying component installation at DCs web page design and build no new portal technology real data : DCA installation real machines : provided by DCs network tuning tool integration documentation (arch as is ?)
13 18-Feb-2004AstroGrid-2 plans Deployment WG a lot of work even with frozen s/w needs developers and astronomers and DC help Deployment-1 must be the main goal of next iteration everything else a luxury