Economy Committee 6 March Enterprise and Innovation Update
Convergence... Business Support Creative Industries Digital and Connected Capital Innovation Social Enterprise
Business Support Target Predicted Year-end Performance Variance on 2012/13 National Comparison (Predicted) Start-up 100% ▲ (82%)▲(100%) High Value Starts 117% ▲(24%)*▲ (65%) Growth Pipeline 102% ▲(98%)▲(85%) Account Managed 112% ▼ (114%)▲(50%) *Newly introduced service
Creative Industries PPP –Creative Edinburgh –Creative Exchange –Co-funded projects PPP 2 –Transformation –Interspace –Creative Capital Gains People PoundPlace
Digital sector –Innovation –Disruptive technology –Key strength Connected Capital –Broadband vouchers –Super connectivity Digital and Connected Capital
Interreg IV Open Innovation –Key successes –Extension Interreg V –Initial thoughts –Scope and range Innovation
New Strategy –Growing the sector –New models of support –New models of business New conversations –Engaging mainstream business –Balancing viable business & good causes –Mentoring Social Enterprise
Business Gateway: –What next? Enterprise in schools? Creative Industries: –PPP2 Culture and Economic Development. How do we harness this potential? Digital: –Can committee help promote the voucher scheme? Innovation: –What sectors? Which partners? What activities? Social Enterprise: –Competent business models v good causes?