Spectropolarimetry Surveys of Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei Edward Moran Wesleyan University Aaron Barth (UC Irvine), Laura Kay (Barnard), Alex Filippenko (UC Berkeley), Mike Eracleous (Penn State)
Moran et al. (2000) M. Urry & P. Padovani
Moran et al. (2000) Where is the obscuration? narrow lines are unpolarized obscuration must be beyond the BLR, but interior to most of the NLR (i.e., ~ 1 – few pc) Where is the mirror? can extend from the opening of the torus to > 100 pc from the nucleus (i.e., in the NLR; Kishimoto 1999; Kishimoto et al. 2002a, 2002b)
Starlight dilution N3081 N224 N3081 Seyfert 2 spectra dominated by unpolarized bulge starlight F g = 50–90% is typical; dilutes polarization signal but after starlight correction, P(H ) still > P(continuum) “F C2 ” also dilutes polarization; caused by hot stars (e.g., Gonzalez Delgado et al. 1998) High intrinsic polarizations obtained after correction for F C2 (Tran 1995)
Spectropolarimetry Surveys sample: 24 “warm” IRAS galaxies & selected Seyfert 2s instrument: AAT 3.9-m results: some new detections, but no HBLR in majority Young et al. (1996) Heisler, Lumsden, & Bailey (1997) sample: 16 IRAS-selected Seyfert 2s, S 60 > 5 Jy instrument: AAT 3.9-m results: 1 new detection; 44% (7 objects) are HBLRs
sample: 24 IRAS-selected Seyfert 2s, S 60 > 3 Jy, L FIR > L , S 60 /S 25 < 8.85 instrument: AAT 3.9-m, WHT 4.2-m results: 1 new detection, 33% (8 objects) are HBLRs Lumsden et al. (2001) Tran (2001, 2003) sample: 49 objects from the CfA and 12 m samples instrument: Lick 3-m & Palomar 5-m results: 5 new detections; 45% (22 objects) are HBLRs Spectropolarimetry Surveys
sample: 38 objects from Ulvestad & Wilson (1989; UW89) 31 bona fide Seyfert 2s 7 narrow-line X-ray galaxies (4 Sy 1.9s & 3 Sy 2s) distance-limited (cz < 4600 km s –1 ) instrument: Keck 10-m results: 9 new detections, 45% (17 objects) are HBLRs Us (Moran et al. 2000, 2001; Kay et al. 2006) Barth, Filippenko, & Moran (1999) sample: 14 LLAGNs objects from the Ho et al. (1997) survey instrument: Keck 10-m results: 3 new HBLRs in LINERs two LINER 1.9s (NGC 315, NGC 1052) one LINER 2 (NGC 4261)
Differences between HBLR and Non-HBLR Seyfert 2s? Moran et al. (1992)
Sample issues: Flux-limited surveys clearly defined luminosity bias Volume-limited surveys no bias completeness is a concern UW89 sample is relatively unbiased Impotant because luminosity is one of the main issues here
Radio luminosity Lumsden et al. (2001): not much difference in total radio power P tot ; HBLRs slightly higher core luminosity P core Tran (2003): HBLRs slightly stronger in P tot Gu & Huang (2002): HBLRs significantly stronger in P tot UW89 result: HBLRs have somwhat higher P core
CfA/12 m sample (Tran 2003) UW89 sample Far-infrared colors All previous studies find that HBLRs are significantly “warmer” than non-HBLRs (Heisler, Tran, Lumsden, Gu) UW89 result: differences not nearly as extreme
Other indicators L([O III]) prior studies: HBLRs tend to be more luminous significant overlap between HBLRs and non-HBLRs Hard X-ray * N H distributions of HBLRs and non-HBLRs are similar (Alexander 2001; Tran 2001; Gu et al. 2001) * many UW89 sources too weak to model their spectra, and many are Compton-thick (Risaliti et al. 1999) Moran et al. (2001) composite X-ray spectra
Luminosity differences HBLRs tend to be more luminous higher nuclear luminosity explains S 25 /S 60 results (Alexander 2001; Lumsden et al. 2001; Gu & Huang 2002) nucleus/host galaxy contrast effect? (Kay 1994; Lumsden & Alexander 2001) do luminosity differences establish that non-HBLR objects are “true” Seyfert 2s (Tran 2003)? before you decide, remember: spectropolarimetry is hard!
NGC 5929 but bigger is better!near misses!
UW89 sample [O III] equivalent width as a contrast indicator Lumsden et al. (2001)
Alternatives to simple orientation low-luminosity = no BLR? (Tran 2003) accretion-rate issues? (Nicastro et al. 2003) BLR absent in low m objects possible candidates exist (e.g., Tran 2005) HBLRs in some LINERs? (Barth et al. 1999) dust lanes? (e.g., Malkan, Matt, Guainazzi, Lamastra et al.) many UW89 non-HBLRs have high N H 4/7 UW89 objects with log N H < 23 have HBLRs... torus dust lanes could obscure fraction of UW89 non-HBLRs non-HBLRs as edge-on NLS1s? (Zhang & Wang 2006)
Summary ~ 50% of Seyfert 2s have polarized broad lines some luminosity differences exist between HBLRs and non-HBLRs but much overlap between the two types much overlap in EW([O III]) as well luminosity or contrast alone can’t explain polarization results take care when interpreting spectropolatimetry non-detections many reasons why techniques might not work possibility that more HBLRs will turn up in deeper observaton is very real
NGC 2110
Elliptical disk fit
Early results from Lick Observatory NGC 1068: Miller & Antonucci (1983); Antonucci & Miller (1985); Miller, Goodrich, & Mathews (1991) 4 more hidden broad-line regions (HBLRs) among high- polarization Seyfert 2s: Miller & Goodrich (1990) Continuum polarizations of Seyfert 2s low, and starlight fractions high: Kay (1990; 1994) 4 more HBLRs: Tran, Miller, & Kay (1992) Detailed study of 10 HBLR Seyfert 2s – complex continua and dominance of electron scattering: Tran (1995)
in the plane of the sky... in the plane of the scattering... Why a torus? Polarization suggests radiation field anisotropic prior to scattering obscuration cylindrically symmetric, roughly
Hard X-ray evidence NGC 788 hard = 1.70 log N H = 23.7