Senses Taylor Bailey Standard 4.L.5 – 4 th Grade
Introduction In our last lesson, we discussed how different animals adapt to living in different environments. Today, we will be learning how senses help animals to survive in the wild.
Menu What are senses? SightHearing TasteSmell TouchFacts ReviewConclusion
What are senses? Senses tell animals what they need to know about the environment. Sensory Organs are any part of the body that receives signals from the environment. Examples of sensory organs are: Eyes Ears Nose Tongue Hands
How are senses used? Both animals and humans need their senses to gather information about the environment. Some animals have stronger senses than others. Dogs have a very strong sense of smell. Owls and Eagles have excellent eyesight. Some animals, like bats, use echolocation to see in the dark. Menu
Signals Detected Sight sensory organs detect colors, shapes, sizes, space/distance, light, and movement.
Sight signals are detected using eyes. Animals’ eyes may differ in type, number, and location on the body. For example, insects like spiders have many eyes.
How sight is used To locate food and shelter To recognize objects and other organisms Menu
Signals Detected Sound sensory organs detect sound and receive vibrations.
Sound signals are detected using ears in humans and many animals. Other animals’ hearing organs may differ in type, number, and location on the body. For example, most birds have ear holes that are always covered by feathers, making it appear as if they do not have ears at all.
How hearing is used To locate food To sense danger and avoid predators Communication Menu
Signals Detected Detects flavors Humans can detect tastes that are salty, sweet, bitter, or sour.
Both humans and animals have taste buds on tongues. Other animals may have taste organs that differ in type and location on the body. For example, a snake uses its tongue to “smell” the chemicals in the air.
How taste is used Animals use taste to judge which foods are safe to eat. Menu
Signals Detected Smell sensory organs detect odors such as the scents of food or other animals in the environment.
Humans use a nose to smell. However, other animals’ taste organs may differ in type and location on the body. For example, insects use their antennae to detect odors in the air.
How smell is used To avoid danger To find food To recognize other organisms Menu
Signals Detected Touch sensory organs detect shape, size, temperature, texture, pain, vibrations, and pressure.
Both animals and humans have touch receptors in their skin that detect changes in temperature, texture, or pressure. Some animals are more sensitive to these changes than others. For example, a star-nosed mole has six times more touch receptors than a human hand.
How touch is used To identify food In reacting to dangerous situations Communication Menu
Additional facts about animal senses A dragonfly can spot and object and determine whether or not it is prey within one 500ths of a second. While we see 60 images per second, dragonflies see 200. A peregrine falcon is capable of seeing objects from a mile away. An elephant’s hearing allows them to be able to hear a thunderstorm that is 500 kilometers away.
Additional facts about animal senses cont. Barn owls have ears that are in two different places on its head. This way, they can tell how high or how low a sound is coming from. Bats see in the dark using what’s called echolocation, meaning that they make calls and listen to the echo that results to map out their location. Wolverines can smell carcasses that have been frozen deep underground after an avalanche. Menu
Review How many senses are there? What are they? What is an example of a sensory organ? What would an animal use its sense of sight for? Sense of smell? Taste? True or False: Birds do not have ears. True or False: Some animals can have more than two eyes. Menu
Conclusion Today, we have discussed the five senses, what they do, and how animals use them to survive in their environments. We will review the senses in preparation for a quiz on 8/12. Study tip: If you are unsure what an animal might use a sense for, just think about what you use that sense for, and which organ is used for detection. Example: Eyes are used for sight, hands and skin for touch, etc. Menu