ETICS, EU-OMII and the Software Repository Andrea Caltroni, INFN Padova ETICS 1 st All-Hands Meeting, Budapest - May 29-31, 2006
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE What is OMII-Europe? EU funded FP6 project (RI) –Starting May 2006, initial 2 year duration –16 partners (8 European, 4 USA, 4 Chinese) Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute for Europe –Complimentary to existing national programmes (OMII-UK, NMI, C-OMEGA, OMII-China…) Goal is to provide key software components for building e-infrastructures Project will demonstrate “proof of concept” courtesy of Prof P Henderson and Dr A Dunlop
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE What Will OMII-Europe Do? Initial focus on providing common interfaces and integration of major Grid software infrastructures Common interoperable services: –Database Access, Virtual Organisation Management, Portal, Accounting, Job Submission and Job Monitoring –Capability to add additional services Infrastructure integration –Initial EGEE/UNICORE/Globus interoperability –Interoperable security framework courtesy of Prof P Henderson and Dr A Dunlop
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-Europe Guiding Principles Committed to standards process –Implementing agreed open standards and working with standards process (GGF/Oasis) Quality Assurance –Published methodology and compliance test –All software components have public QA process and audit trail –Working with similar projects and organisations to agree policies Impartiality –OMII-Europe is “honest broker” providing impartial advice/information on e-infrastructures courtesy of Prof P Henderson and Dr A Dunlop
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE What Will OMII-Europe Deliver? Repository of open-source, quality assured software services for EGEE, Globus, UNICORE and CROWNgrid –Some services bundled with major grid distributions –Initial integration work with EGEE, UNICORE and Globus Public reports on grid infrastructures –Initial benchmark results –Impartial advice and information Evaluation infrastructure to “test” services –User support and training for services courtesy of Prof P Henderson and Dr A Dunlop
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-EU SA1 - Objective Official objective of the Software Repository : Operate a process for making available software components contributed by third parties Develop and maintain the services required by the user community Provide a convenient portal to support the download and installation of those services and their supporting environments
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-EU SA1 - Short Term Milestones End of July Milestone –Design document for the repository including database schema definition. End of October Milestone –Implementation of the basic repository functionality.
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-EU SA1 – Detailed Objectives (1/5) Cooperation –Cooperation with ETICS. [Define] –...
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII – ETICS Interaction
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-EU SA1 – Detailed Objectives (2/5) Contents –Packages. [Format?] –Documentation. [Define basic component documentation] –...
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-EU SA1 – Detailed Objectives (3/5) General documentation –Testing process –Certification process –Test suites –Sample use cases –Tutorials –Training material –...
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-EU SA1 – Detailed Objectives (4/5) Web interface –Bacic repository functionalities based on user requirements. [Define] –Content structure (for components and documentation) and free navigation structure [Define] –Search: by name (regular expressions); category; platform, [Other?] –Underlying DB structure [Define]
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE OMII-EU SA1 – Detailed Objectives (5/5) Other –Repository access and security mechanisms –Back-up policy –Type of support provided
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Thank you for your attention!