Ashanti Blue 7/6/15 A Vote For Technology Educators of River County School District Presentation Community Event Professor Conner |Edu 620 Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology
Technology in Education Technology has changed education in many ways, by innovating and giving education a newly renovated platform. Universal Design for Learning is what educators used to create curriculum and teach, the vast diversity of students in the classroom. The main purpose of UDL is to ensure that educators and schools, incorporate curriculum that can be used by everyone. During this presentation you the viewers will have the opportunity to visit the three technological stations. Within the technological stations are the, technology devices that are used by the students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12 th grade. There will be three stations each station will include the technology devices. The audience will have the opportunity to have a hands on experiences, and try out each device.
Universal Design Learning Universal Design for Learning applies for grades pre-kindergarten -12 th grade because it is designed to fit the needs of diverse learners, regardless to age and grade level. Universal Design for Learning plays a vital role in education, because it ensures schools are implementing curriculums and lesson geared to fit the needs of diverse learners. This is a video that describes the benefits of Universal Design for Learning and the positive effect it has in education. Universal Design for Learning Video By: Stephanie Craig Published on Jun 4, 2013 Introduction to the three principles of Universal Design for Learning from students' point of view. Music "Thrift Shop (Originally Performed by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Instrumental Version)" by Sounds Good (Google Play iTunes AmazonMP3)
Technological Stations Three technological stations: Center 1 – Touch Screen computer Touch screen computers is a form of assistive technology. It benefits users that needs special accommodations that may have trouble using a traditional mouse and keyboard. Touch screen computers allows users to have direct access to icons that are displayed on the screen. The touch screen computers also offer stylus use, and other pointing devices to enrich and enhance the visual display and effect. Center 2- I-pads offer educators more varied approaches for conveying instruction and engaging students for learning in the 21 st century. I - pads are valuable asset to have in classroom, because of all the new innovations that are offered with the use of an Ipad. Center 3 Interactive White Board The benefit of an interactive white board allows teachers to construct engaging lessons which will focus on one task such as a math activity student’s use either their fingers or a pen to count the objects. Multiple items can be intergraded can be made into a one computer classroom displaying a workable instructional model. `
Station 2: Technology & UDL for All Learners River County School District: Mission Ensuring excellence and quality in education through prioritizing achievement in academics and technology while building a passion for learning which will prepare students of all ages to be productive citizens. We believe -Every student has the ability to learn and it’s our responsibility to ensure that happens. -The purpose of Universal Design and Learning (UDL) is to ensure that educators and schools incorporate curriculum that can be used in understood by any one. - Technology aids in increased thinking skills, problem solving and communication skills -Technology meets learning needs that are diverse Goal To successfully teach students in creative ways by integrating technology (computers, social media platforms and mobile devices) into every day classroom practices. Specific goals: - Technology should be accessible - Technology should support curricular goals and aid learners in reaching their individual goals.
Course & Program Offerings These Courses are offered Elementary School Students Children Story Group ages 5-11 Mad Scientist Program ages 5-11 Tutorial Programs Pre-Kindergarten- 12th grade Beginner Cooking Classes ages 5-11 Beginner Gardening Program ages 5-11 Dance Programs (offers class according to level placement) ages 5-17 Gymnastic Classes (offers class according to level placement) ages 5-17 Beginner Technology Class ages 5-11 These Courses are offered to Middle & High School Students Cosmetology Culinary Art Automotive Technology Auto Body Repair Business Management Academy Information Technology Medical Sciences Veterinary Assisting Recording Arts Academy Marine Technology Entertainment Management Rock & Roll Academy
Technology in 21 st Century Skills Beginner technology classes for ages 5-11 teach students the basic and also incorporates learning with another technological program. Once the students learn the basic functions of how to operate and work the computer, the students will then move onto independent learning through this program called youth digital. Youth Digital offers a mix of technology programs. Youth Digital have programs that teach the following objectives: coding, developing, design and create with technology. Beginner Technology Class ages 5-11
Content Knowledge and 21 st Century Themes 1- In the civic literacy we focus on the 21 st century framework that brings out the points of knowing and understanding the governmental process of each level of the government. 2- Learning and Innovation Skills- these skills focus on learning that prepares students for communication and collaboration is the essential means of students being able to effectively express their thoughts, communicate effectively in addition to students being able to work well with others to accomplish goals. 3- Information Literacy is a means of effectively knowing how to access and evaluate information and understand how to manage the information retrieved from a variety of source. 4- Life and Career Skills- students need to be able to operate through rigorous learning activities. For productivity and accountability, as goals are set student must learn to deal with the challenges and successfully achieve high quality results.
Content Knowledge and 21st Century Themes Continued Information, Media, and Technology Skills are addressed through utilizing technology, effectively for “Research”, organization and communication. Being able to understand how to use and integrate technological skills and will facilitate and support future employability. Tools used in these course are classroom computers and Ipads. Attendees will increase their interest in utilizing the technological tools once they see how these tools help strengthen the student’s academic abilities, by providing opportunities for individuality. The school and its stakeholders will benefit through approving the bond to upgrade technology because the provisions would provide enough computers to create a school- wide computer lab.
References Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.