Making a difference with data Making Transparency Work event Birmingham 9 June 14 Vicky Sargent Boilerhouse


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Presentation transcript: Making a difference with data Making Transparency Work event Birmingham 9 June 14 Vicky Sargent Boilerhouse

About Boilerhouse Birmingham based SME (3 developers, graphic design, consultants, writers, publishers and video makers) We design, develop and manage a wide range of websites, online services, digital tools, and ‘apps’ We work with with central and local government organisations and the private sector. Our web development and graphic design teams are well-integrated, ensuring that our digital offerings are engaging, attractive, and easy to use. We are on the government’s ‘G-Cloud’ framework and Sprint ii frameworks We conceived and are developing the Making a Difference with Data programme

Why, who, what for? Public as taxpayers and citizens Public as ‘professional’ or ‘armchair’ scrutineers and active citizens (Healthwatch, third sector groups, local politicians, volunteers) Policy and decision-makers across public and quasi-public services, (health, housing, social care, transport, blue light, education, infrastructure) Providers & potential providers of public services

Provider Landscape: locating NHS services and presenting their performance data Commissioned by NHS NW in 2011 Uses NHS Choices API with Google tools to show provider locations & distances from a specified point Allows NHS managers to assess local service provision (HMA) Enables visualisation of implications of rationalisation

Lambeth-in-numbers: mashing up data for customer insight Commissioned by Department of Communities as demonstrator tool for open data Base data: Indices of deprivation Obesity Free school meals Location of facilities: Shops Fast food outlets

Care finder too: cloud service based on CQC data

Shout Crime: crowd-sourcing of data Project for ‘Ideas for All’ a support organisations for disabled peopleIN Sandwell Visualises hate crime spots Aims to provide ‘crowd-sourced’ evidence base from data captured and displayed

Transformational tools: crowd-sourcing information ‘Add’ my data function is a ‘crowd-sourcing’ tool Could be used to engage local residents with a issue by asking them to report information Or could be used to collect otherwise too-expensive-to- gather data

@vickysargent Cllr James McKay, Birmingham Smart City Emer Coleman, Data entrepreneur, former Deputy Director of Government Digital Service Jas Bains MBE, Chief Executive, Ashram Housing Association Sam German, Healthy Villages Programme Director, Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust Shane O’Neill, Chairman of Neil Crocket, CEO of Connected Digital Economy Catapult Raj Mack, Head of Digital Birmingham Pete Johnston, Programme Manager Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) Presentations from the data programmes at Manchester, Sheffield, and Leeds.