Plastic bottles Tap-Campaign/ Tap-Campaign/
Deforestation / /
Oil Spill horizon-spill-has-left-tons-of-oil-on-the-gulfs- floor ?utm_content=buffer8e113&utm_medium=s ocial& n=buffer horizon-spill-has-left-tons-of-oil-on-the-gulfs- floor ?utm_content=buffer8e113&utm_medium=s ocial& n=buffer
What is found in the ocean / /
Journey of our trash / / / /
Save the turtles log/student-plans-create-first-ever-map- depicting-floating-plastic-ocean log/student-plans-create-first-ever-map- depicting-floating-plastic-ocean
Do Now: Answer in your notebooks: What are different kinds of pollution and who is affected by pollution? Look at pollution pictures What is wrong in each picture? Read pages in the green book List different kinds of pollution List what is affected by pollution Complete the pollution activity