MICE Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Allan DeMello Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Coupling Coil Working Group January 28, 2014 January.


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Presentation transcript:

MICE Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Allan DeMello Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Coupling Coil Working Group January 28, 2014 January 28, 2014

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 2 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 MICE Cooling Channel Two coupling coil magnets integrated into the RFCC modules Spectrometer solenoid magnets Focus magnets

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 3 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Coupling coil magnet integrated into the RFCC RFCC Module

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 4 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Sub-assemblies

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 5 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Cold Mass Preparation cold mass coil #1 finished at LBNL January 2013 Preparation cold mass coil #2, #3 and #4 at LBNL to begin when coils arrive from China Strain Gauges Cernox Sensor Voltage Taps Quench Protection Superconductor Lead Stabilizers

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 6 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Cold Mass Magnetic Test at Fermilab Cold mass being prepared for magnetic test at Fermilab

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 7 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel LBNL mechanical shop is in the process of fabricating the first cryostat vacuum vessel Estimated completion second week of February Drawings will be updated to reflect the “as built” cryostat

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 8 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Scallop Clearance Tight tolerance for vacuum vessel scallops Because of the tight clearance distance (2 mm) between the concave radius of the scallop and the O.D. of the RF coupler vacuum vessel spool a tight tolerance was placed on the final locations of the welded scallops. The tolerance is true position within mm Scallops

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 9 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Scallop Clearance A gap of 12.5 mm between the super- insulation wrapped thermal shield and the inner surface of the scallop. Limited space between inner surface of the scallop and the thermal shield

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 10 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Tolerance Tight tolerance on the final locations of the welded scallops.

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 11 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Scallop Original Scallop Design Original thin walled scallop deformed during welding Gap shows the distortion from welding the scallop to the vacuum vessel

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 12 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Scallop New Scallop Design New design has thicker walls at location of welds to help minimize the distortion

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 13 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Alignment Fixture for Welding Scallops Scallop alignment fixture LBNL shop developed a go/no go alignment fixture to ease the welding process for the scallops Scallop alignment fixture Nominal and ± indicators

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 14 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Coupling Coil Thermal Shield Remaining Tasks Thermal shield design is complete Drawings are finished and have been reviewed by the LBNL superconductor group Outside vendor may fabricate the first thermal shield

Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 15 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Cooling Circuit Assembly Remaining Tasks LBNL superconductor group is reviewing the cooling circuit design Detail fabrication drawings have been created Fabrication of component parts at LBNL LBNL to assemble components into sub- assemblies for shipment to Fermilab

MICE RFCC Module – MICE Schedule Review at RAL, UK Page 16 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – May 24, 2011 Coupling Coil Vacuum Vessel Fabrication Update Page 16 Allan DeMello - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab – January 28, 2014 Summary of Coupling Coil Cold Mass LBNL finished cold mass preparation work January 2013 Cold mass is currently being tested at Fermilab Cryostat Vacuum Vessel LBNL mechanical shop is fabricating the first cryostat vacuum vessel Scheduled to finish the 2 nd week of February Thermal Shield Drawings have been finished at LBNL and have been reviewed by the LBNL superconductor group Outside vendor may fabricate the first thermal shield Cooling Circuit Drawings have been finished at LBNL and need to be reviewed by the LBNL superconductor group LBNL mechanical shops will fabricate the cooling circuit parts LBNL will assemble components into sub-assemblies