BY THE END OF THIS UNIT, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO: Demonstrate proper technique for various skills used in the game of volleyball. Display an understanding of basic offensive and defensive strategies for game play. Understand basic terminology used in the game of volleyball. Identify lines and areas of the court Understand basic volleyball rules.
HISTORY OF VOLLEYBALL In 1895, William Morgan, an instructor at the YMCA in Holyoke, Mass., decided to combine the elements of tennis, basketball, baseball, and handball. He created the game of volleyball.
FACTS ABOUT THE GAME OF VOLLEYBALL Volleyball in its original form was called mintonette. In 1964, volleyball became a full medal sport in the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. In 1996, 2-person beach volleyball was added to the Olympic Games. Today there are more than 800 million players worldwide who play volleyball.
Volleyball Court Terminology Baseline - line on the end of the court Sideline - line on the side of the court 10 foot attack line - for back row players Center line - line under the net that divides the court into sides Serving marks Net
Volleyball Positions & Rotation Left Front, Center Front, Right Front. Left Back. Center Back, Right Back Players rotate clockwise
SERVING RULES The server has to serve the ball from behind the end line The server can serve either underhand or overhand The server only gets one attempt (try) to serve the ball over the net If the serving team scores the point, the same player will keep serving until the opponents score a point A ball hitting the net and going on over to the opponents side is a legal serve
Basic Volleyball Rules Six players from each team are on the court at one time Games are played to 15, 25, or 30 points depending on the level (win by 2) A team needs to win 2 out of 3 games, or 3 out of 5 games to win the match Before a team serves, all six players rotate clockwise one position Teams are allowed up to three hits to successfully return the ball to the opponents side of the net
GAME PLAY RULES Players cannot touch or go under the net Players cannot lift or throw the ball and cannot use an open hand to hit the ball A ball landing on the line is considered in A back row player cannot attack at the net
Basic Volleyball Skills Serve - both underhand and overhand Bump - receiving serve and passing to the setter Set - receiving the pass and setting the ball for the hitters (spiking) Dig - usually back row players that successfully keep a spiked ball in play Spike - forcefully hit the ball downward at the opponent (kill)
Volleyball Terminology Ace - a serve that hits the floor or cannot be handled by the receiving team Bump - a skill used to pass the ball to the setter (usually on serve receive) Dig - a skill used to keep forcefully hit balls from scoring a point Rally scoring - a scoring system that allows every serve to be scored as a point Kill - a point scored off of a spike Hitters - players who spike the ball
Volleyball Terminology Cont. Rotate - where players on the team receiving the serve move one position clockwise Serve - the skill used to put the ball into play Set - the skill used to receive a pass and set the ball close to the net for the hitters Spike - a skill where a player forcefully hits the bal downward onto the opponents court Volley - when two teams continually hit the ball back and forth over the net