Volleyball HISTORY Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William J. Morgan, who was physical education director of the YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts. He developed the game to provide an indoor game for the winter months in which relatively large groups of men could participate in a small gym. The principal features of tennis were employed, but the net was raised and the players struck the bladder of a basketball with their hands in stead of racquets.
Volleyball Question#1 1.What year was volleyball invented? a) 1898 b) 1865 c) 1995 d) 1895
Volleyball Question#2 2. Who invented volleyball? a) J.P. Morgan b) William J. Morgan c) James Naismith d) John Smith
Volleyball Question#3 3. The principal features of what sport were employed into volleyball? a) Basketball c) Soccer c) Tennis d) Racquetball
Volleyball Six players constitute a team: three frontline players and three backline players.
Volleyball Question#5 5. How many players constitutes a team in volleyball? a) three b) four c) five d) six
Volleyball Question#6 6. How many frontline players are there in volleyball? a) three b) four c) five d) six
Volleyball Description and Equipment The play begins with a serve by the right back player. The serve consists of hitting the ball with the hand so that it goes clearly over the net and within the boundaries designated. The receiving team must return the ball over the net before it touches the floor. Each team may hit the ball a maximum of three times in returning it across the net.
Volleyball Question#9 9. How does play begin in volleyball? a) Throw b) Hit c) Volley d) Serve
Volleyball Question# How many times can a team hit the ball before it must go over the net? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five
Volleyball Description and Equipment The ball is returned back and forth until one team makes an error. Only the serving team may score points. If the receiving team commits a fault, a point is scored. If the serving team makes the error or commits a fault, sideout is called and the other team serves following the rotation of players. The ball must be clearly hit in volleyball; it may not come to rest momentarily in the hands or on the arms. A player may not hit the ball twice in succession.
Volleyball Question# Which team can only score points in volleyball? a) Serving team b) Home team c) Receiving team d) Visiting team
Volleyball Question# What happens when the serving team makes an error? a) A point is scored b) Side-in c) Turnover d) Side-out
Volleyball Question# How many times can a player hit the ball in succession? a) One b) Twice c) Three d) Four
Volleyball Scoring The failure of the receiving team to return the ball legally over the net into the opponent’s court scores one point for the serving team. A game is won when a team scores a 2-point lead with 15 or more points. The score for a forfeited game is A match is won by the team that first scores two of three games.
Volleyball Question# How many points are score at a time in volleyball? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
Volleyball Question# How many points must a team score to win a game? a) 10 b) 12 c) 15 d) 17
Volleyball Question# How many games make up a match in volleyball? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five
Volleyball Fundamental Skills and Techniques. The most fundamental skill to be learned is the ability to pass the ball to a teammate, which is required on almost all plays. A forearm pass should be used to receive serves, low balls, and spikes. The forearm pass is used to recover the opponents’ attack called a “dig.” A set is a high pass that is generally the second play by a team to relay the ball for the spiker. A spike is a ball hit forcibly from a height above the net. A kill is a spike that is impossible to return. Blocking is a defensive play that attempts to stop the returning of the ball over the net.
Volleyball Question# What is the most fundamental skill in volleyball? a) Blocking b) Setting c) Spiking d) Passing
Volleyball Question# What is a high pass used to relay the ball to the spiker? a) Blocking b) Setting c) Spiking d) Passing