Week 2
To prepare for class: Get a Purple Literature book. Pick up a piece of scratch paper from front table. Open your notebook to the Reading Section. Homework Read your book and record your pages and minutes.
Eteocles and Polyneices died in battle fighting each other. Eteocles was given a military funeral. Creon forbids that Polyneices be buried; his body will be eaten by carrion (vultures, etc.) Anyone who tries to bury Polyneices will be stoned to death. Antigone tells Ismene she will bury Polyneices even if it means death. Ismene is too frightened to disobey Creon’s law.
What are the qualities of a great leader? What are the conditions when a person should disobey laws? What kind of leader is Creon? Why does Antigone feel so strongly about burying her brother Polyneices?
936 – Literary Connection 937 – Reading Connection Shaddy Loi Risheco Alex W Kylie Meghan 980 – Literary Concepts – Mitchell D Picture page 952
936 – Literary Connection 937 – Reading Connection Alexandra Mitch G Michael R Megan G Maddie K Mija 980 – Literary Concepts – Jayme Picture page 952
936 – Literary Connection 937 – Reading Connection Shannon Connor Alex C Seth Justin Grace 980 – Literary Concepts – Georgia Picture page 952
936 – Literary Connection 937 – Reading Connection Matt Karl Cassie Ari Bri Roberta 980 – Literary Concepts – Joey Picture page 952
TRAGEDY Tragic hero Tragic fall Twists of fate Pity and fear Disastrous ending
1. Lines 18 – 30: What is Creon saying about friendship and leadership? When will he expect all subjects to give him complete loyalty? (hint: line 18) 2. Lines 31 – 42: Do you think Creon is justified in treating Polyneices’ corpse in this way? What do you think his motive is? 3. Lines 117 – 122: What does Creon assume about the motives of those who have disobeyed him? 4. Ode 1: What does this ode convey about human greatness and tragic limitation?
NameHour 1. What kind of a leader is Creon? Explain. 2. What, if anything, is confusing to you in the play?
To prepare for class: Get a Purple Literature book. Pick up a handout from the front table. Homework Read your book and record your pages and minutes.
Name Antigone Journal 12/9/13
Write for 5 minutes. What are the qualities of a great leader? What are the conditions when a person should disobey laws? Consider Who are some great leaders you know of? They might be people in your life. What makes them great leaders? Give examples of times in history when it was necessary for people to break laws.
What are the qualities of a great leader? What are the conditions when a person should disobey laws? Jot notes of what stays with you as we listen to the video clips. Jot down a phrase or two that you can share with the class.
cnn&iref=videosearch&video_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2Fsearch% 2F%3Fquery%3Drobin%2Bcurnow%2Bnelson%2Bmandela%26primaryType%3Dmixed% 26sortBy%3Drelevance%26intl%3Dfalse#/video/education/2013/12/05/sn-1206.cnn /malala-yousafzai
Page 939
IsmeneAntigone Which adjectives (2 or 3) would you use to describe each sister? Write examples from the play to support your opinion.
Auspicious – of promising success Compulsive – having the ability to compel or force resulting from an irresistible, irrational impulse Defile – to make foul, dirty, unclean, or impure Dirge – mournful piece of music; a funeral hymn edict – an order put out by a person of authority Lamentation – an expression of grief lithe - limber; physically flexible Perverse – willfully determined to go against what is expected or desired Sated – satisfied fully Transgress – to violate or break a law, command, or moral code