Investment opportunities in Poland
Part I - Poland 1.Location and basic information about Poland 2.Economic data 3.Transportation infrastructure Part II – Kostrzyn – Slubice SEZ 1.Information data 2.Tax exemptions 3.Our Partners 4.Some Statistics 5.CSR. 6.Greenfield area
PART I - POLAND Location and basic information about Poland
Population: 38 million people (5th in Europe) GDP growth: 4,8% (2008) Inflation rate: 2,6% Average salary: € 800 Unemployment rate: 11,0 %
Economic data
Source: 3Q
Economic data Rate of the foreign debt
Logistics Infrastructure
Roads in Poland (highways and express roads)
Harbours Hamburg: 400 km Szczecin: 100 km Gdańsk: 370 km
Railways in Poland
River roads
Kostrzyn – Slubice Special Economic Zone Established: 1997 Subzones: 25 Area: ha Permits: 170 Job created: Infrastructure expenditure: € 20 milion Investment expenditure: € 715 milion
Kostrzyn – Slubice Special Economic Zone – a territorial largest SEZ in Poland
Our range of activity 1.Sale of real estates for greenfield investments 2.Tax exemptions 3.Consulting 4.Organize trainings 5.Advertising services 6.Mediations and support in contacts with other institutions
TAX exemptions
Maximum public aid in Poland Small companies – 70% of the investment expenditure Medium companies – 60% of the investment expenditures Big companies – 50% of the investment expenditures
Regional aid intensity in Europe
€ € Land € Buildings € Equipment
pRACTICAL POINT OF VIEW (big company) YearProfitCIT (19%)Real CIT payment € € € € € € € € € € Maximum public AID: € In 2013 the Investor exceeds public aid by € , that’s why he is obliged to pay the CIT tax.
A Zone with the highest grade Source: Special Economic Zone report 2009 by KMG
Would you recommend your SEZ for your business partners? Source: Special Economic Zone report 2009 by KMG
Investors judged us Source: Special Economic Zone report 2009 by KMG
People employed in the zone
Corporate Social Responsibility
FIBA Euroleague
Woodstock Station – The biggest Rock festival in Poland
Where we act? Kostrzyn nad Odrą (International Music Festival Kostrinella) Słubice (Music Festival Transvocale) Gorzów Wlkp. (Student Festival PWSZ) Nowa Sól (Days of Nowa Sol) Gubin (Spring on Nysa)
Who we support? UKS „Czwórka” – Children football team „Olimp” Kostrzyn – wrestling team MOSiR Kostrzyn – Sport and Recreation Centre Athletics School Championships
Hospice of St. Jacob in Gorzow Wlkp. Foundation „Helpful palm” in Kostrzyn School Association im. M. Skłodowskiej- Curie in Kostrzyn Fireguards in Gorzow Wlkp. Polish Blind Association in Kostrzyn n.O. Many other organisation. Who we support?
Greenfield areas
Marketing team: Andrzej Kail Chief Project Manager Investors: Izabela Fechner Senior Project Manager Investors: Krzysztof Babij Senior Project Manager Investors: Arkadiusz Kowalewski Senior Project Manager Investors: Marcin Kubik Project Manager Investors: Kostrzyn – Slubice Special Economic Zone Inc. ul. Orła Białego Kostrzyn nad Odrą Tel Thank you