Writing a Thank you letter Developing practical writing skill
Who are they? Review the last class Ryan Davis Minsu
The Plot of the story ‘Just Be Yourself’. Review the last class Minsu arrives at Chicago airport The Davis family takes Minsu home to stay with them Ryan introduces Chicago to Minsu by showing off boring information Ryan introduces Chicago to Minsu by showing off boring information Minsu and Ryan get advice from their parents Minsu and Ryan act themselves and become friends
A) It is a Thank you letter. Let’s find the answer! Q) What kind of letter is it?
Learning Objectives
Dear The Davis Family, I would like to express my appreciation for how you warmly welcomed me when I visited your house in Chicago. At first, I didn't like the city of Chicago that much, but I soon got to like it thanks to you. You provided me with a warm place to stay and a chance to visit many interesting places. I know how difficult it is to spend time with, and be hospitable for others. So, I can't express how thankful I am for your help. I still remember when I went skateboarding with Ryan, and how fun it was. If I have time, I hope to visit the fantastic city of Chicago again. Look at the body of the letter
Lastly, it would be my pleasure to show you around Seoul if your family can come to visit in the future. I look forward to seeing you soon here in Seoul. I hope this thank you letter finds your family well, and shows how much I appreciate your family. Thank you for everything you did for me while I was in Chicago again. Best regards, Minsu Look at the body of the letter
Sentence building practice Choose one between pink and yellow sheet which you want to try Pink sheet yello w sheet
Sentence building activity Put the given words in order 1-(A) 당신의 수고에 대해 정말 고 맙게 생각합니다. I would like to express my appreciation for your hard work
Sentence building activity Put the given words in order 2-(A) 다른 설문의 답을 비교하는 것이 얼마나 어려운지를 알고 있습니다. I know how difficult it was to compare answers between different surveys.
Sentence building activity Put the given words in order 3-(A) 내 질문에 대답해 주기 위해 시간을 내주신 것에 감사드립 니다. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions
Sentence building activity Put the given words in order 4-(A) 당신의 도움과 격려에 대해 내가 얼마나 감사함을 느끼는 지 표현을 다 할 수 없습니다. I can’t express how much I feel grateful for your help and encouragement
Find difficult words forwardin g = sending goods be in touch with you = call you or you = service you give customers to increase sales of products = products promotional service
Parts of letter John Hennigan 2453 Orange Street San Francisco, CA USA June 22, 2012 Suyeon Hong 523 Beonji 435 Ho 2 Ga Samseong-dong, Seongbuk-gu Seoul, Korea Dear Ms. Hong, Thank you for your of September 13 expressing The name of sender The address of sender Date The address of receiver The name of receiver
Parts of letter Again, thank you for your inquiry. Sincerely yours, John Hennigan, Customer Service Representative Vermont Teddy Bear Co., Inc Complimentary close The name of sender Company name Job title signature Yours truly, Best regards Yours respectfully, Best wishes…
The cases you write a thank you letter New customers loyal customers Customers who made a large purchase Customers spreading the word about the company
Insurance Company Bank Travel Agenc y Trading Compan y Advertisin g Company Some kinds of company COMPA NY
Search information about your future company To write a thank you letter you need to search for … a certain company you want to work for what kinds of work they do the address of the company
Let’s write a thank you letter
Let’s peer edit other writings
Error correction 1 Find errors in the sentences ☞ I am looking forward to succeed in the project I am looking forward to succeeding in the project
Error correction 2 Find errors in the sentences ☞ I will deliver the products to you fastly I will deliver the products to you fast
Questions and Answers