LOOKING AT TEXT STRUCTURE How do we know when things are autobiographical? THE OBVIOUS: Looking at parallels between Kafka’s life and the text. TEXTUAL STRUCTURE: Using clues from the text to indicate Kafka’s own truths embedded in the text. KAFKA’S USE OF THE “I” Reports on previous experiences of the same “I” (Kafka) Split but distinct versions of the self are typical in autobiographical works.
TEXTUAL STRUCTURE LOOKING AT TEXT STRUCUTRE – TENSE CHANGES PAST PRESENT Narrating a previous event in the past tense is typical of autobiographical works. This is how the self recounts or revisits an idea. The idea can often involve change, with certain events representing other traumatic events the author does not want to expose. TRANSLATION NOTE: In the original German, much of Kafka’s text is narrated in the present tense. What are possible reasons for the tense changes indicated in several translations of Kafka’s texts?
EXPLORING THE TENSE CHANGES 1.Text begins in traditional past tense. 2.Shifts to present tense at the moment the Groom begins molesting Rose. 3.It remains in present tense until the doctor takes leave of the boy. 4.When the doctor takes leave of the boy, it shifts back to past tense. 5.The story remains in past tense until the quotation of the children’s song. 6.After the children’s song, the text shifts back to present tense until the end of the story. DISCUSSION: Why these moments?
THE IMPORTANCE OF TRANSLATION TAKING A LOOK AT THE OPENING LINE: ENGLISH: I was in great perplexity. GERMAN: Ich war in grosser verlegenheit. THREE DIFFERENT MEANINGS OF “VERLEGENHEIT” 1. DILEMMA: I was confronted with a great dilemma. Insinuates a problem in need of a solution. 2. SHAME: I was in a very embarassing situation. This is “verlegenheit” as an adjective. Insinuates a problem with shame, is phrased as a personal problem. 3. MISPLACE/LOSS DUE TO BEING DISTRACTED “Verlegenheit” as a verb.
THE IMPORTANCE OF TRANSLATION GROUP DISCUSSION Reflect on these three motifs as they translate in the story. 1.Dilemma 2.Shame 3.Loss Why is it then translated widely (in English) to say, “I was in great perplexity” ?