Unité 5 leçon c Direct objects in the passé composé note #4
Une révision You have already learned the direct object pronouns in French. They are: Remember, direct objects receive the action of the verb. Me Nous Te Vous Le, la, l’ les
Direct objects in the passé composé In the passé composé direct object pronouns precede (come before) the form of the helping verb “avoir”. Also, the past participle agrees with this preceding direct object in both gender and number. Ex: Qu’est-ce que tu as fait, Delphine? Mes parents m’ont emmenée à la montagne.
agreement For a masculine singular direct object pronoun, add nothing to the past participle. If the direct object pronoun is masculine plural, add an “s”. If it is feminine singular, add an “e”. If is feminine plural, add an “es”. Masc.Fem. Sing Parlé -e Parlée Plural -s Parlés -es Parlée s
Exception Past participles that end in “s”, for example “mis” and “pris” do not change in the masculine plural. Ex: Où sont les billets? Je ne les ai pris. (Where are the tickets? I didn’t take them) IF the past participle ends in –s or –t, this consonant is pronounced in the feminine form. Ex: La raquette de tennis? Je l’ai offerte à ma soeur.
Allons-y P & 6