Give each student: Their clay basket Give each table (take from the grey shelves at back of room) : Paints (use only brown tone) in small quantities at each table Paint brushes Basket of yarn (earth tones) Reeds (pre-cut) REMEMBER to soak these a couple of hours before class Weaving options: leather pieces, rope, wire etc. Docent Setup List: Docent Clean up List: Make sure names are on back of clay Place completed in on a marked (teacher name) shelf along back of room. Wipe down tables, refill any items and return to bins as you found them – thanks for doing this and leading the lesson! Clay and Basket Fusion - part 2
Lesson 9 – Fifth Grade Clay and Basket Fusion Part 2 - Weaving and Painting
Today’s Lesson Today you will combine your fired clay pot with reeds to create a sculptural vessel that fuses two ancient techniques! Skill Development: An opportunity to use new materials: yarn and reeds, and create a three- dimensional form using weaving techniques. Clay and Basket Fusion - part 2
Examples of ancient woven baskets Clay and Basket Fusion - part 2
What is basket weaving? For thousands of years people have woven baskets using the natural materials available to them, like willow shoots and reedy grasses. If you follow the steps outlined for making a wicker basket, the result will be a basket beautiful enough to put on display. Basket weave
Clay and Basket Fusion - part 2 Basket-weaving today is both a practical skill, a source of income and a serious art form.
Let’s get started.. Supplies Needed for Part two: Paint in brown tones Reeds (precut) Yarn Leather Thread Wire Beads Clay and Basket Fusion - part 2
Clay and Basket Fusion - part 2 To inspire you:
Clay and Basket Fusion - part 2
1.Paint (just one coat) the interior and exterior of pot 2.Insert a piece of reed through a hole in the base. Bend the reed when it’s half-way through so that both ends point up. 1.Using a piece of wire, tie the two sides of the reed together just above the rim of the base. Wrap the wire around the reed a few times, and tie. Repeat for all the pieces of reed. It may help to do this in pairs 1.Now, begin weaving the basket! NOTE: some may like to weave is the reeds fall outwards versus upwards 2.Leave the reeds untrimmed at the top, or cut them into a uniform height. This vessel is a sculptural celebration of two ancient crafts “woven” into one! Process (Part two):
Process (Part two):
LESSON PLAN ADAPTED FROM DICKBLICK.COM By Tara Button March 2016 Docents there is a YouTube tutorial for this to give you some ideas – we are aiming for RUSTIC.