Building Your Argument and Counter-Argument Presented to you by Miss Jabbar
Why do people argue? They disagree! They want to show others the reason behind their views They want to share ideas They want others to agree with their perspective!
What makes a good argument? Arguable claim; arguments must have at least two sides! Evidence: How can you prove your claim? -quotations, facts, statistics, and examples from reliable sources Rebuttal: Support points that weaken the opposing view.
Rebuttal: The Counter- Argument 2 Steps 1)Challenge your argument by going against it with an opposing point. 2)Turn back and reaffirm your argument! This allows your argument to seem superior to the argument which it is opposing because it is not considering one view alone; both views are included in the argument.
Ex) Should you play in the rain? Sample Response: No, I should not play in the rain. Points: 1) I can get sick! 2) My clothes and hair will get soaked. 3) counterargument: -(Step 1) Playing in the rain is tons of fun, -(Step 2) but it is not worth it because I do not want to get sick and miss school work from too many absences.
Why should I include a counter-argument? You get to respond to the reader’s possible objections even before he has finished reading your essay. You show others that you are a reasonable in your claims because you have considered both sides of the argument. It shows that you are confident about your argument and helps to strengthen it!
Note to Self: The rebuttal that you present to counter your argument should highlight a setback- an apparent but unserious problem.
How do I turn back to my initial argument? Use transitions such as but, yet, however, nevertheless or still. Make sure your transitions are smooth so that your essay is flows smooth rather than choppy. Use careful reasoning and remember to clearly explain your thoughts.
Examples! Ex) Should students be required to wear uniforms in school? Response: Students should not be required to wear uniforms. Counter Argument: Students should be required to wear uniforms because it reinforces discipline in schools. Reaffirm your Argument: Although wearing uniforms might reinforce discipline among students, it will cost them their individuality; therefore, students should be allowed to choose their daily wardrobes.
Ex) Should physical education be mandatory in schools? Response: Physical education should be mandatory in schools. Counter Argument: Physical education should not be mandatory in schools because it distracts students from their learning in academic classes. Reaffirm your argument: One may say that physical education distracts students from their academic learning, but I say it gives students a mental break from hard work and refreshes their minds, which makes students perform even better in their classes.