Felicitas Kraus, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) Pomotion strategies in Germany Copenhagen, 21 October 2008 E F F I C I E N C Y D E C I D E S
2 Ownership Structure of the German Energy Agency. dena Federal Republic of Germany KfW Bankengruppe Allianz SE Deutsche Bank AG DZ BANK AG Stephan Kohler – Chief Executive Andrea Weinert Management 50% 26% 8% Represented by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in consultation with: The Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs E F F I C I E N C Y D E C I D E S
3 Fields of Competence and Activity at dena. E F F I C I E N C Y D E C I D E S
E F F I Z I E N Z E N T S C H E I D E T Targets and strategies
5 Germany‘s Energy Demand Structure 2003 according to different sectors. E F F I Z I E N Z E N T S C H E I D E T Lighting Mechanical energy Processheat DHW Heat Industry Trade & Services HouseholdsTraffic [TWh per year]
6 Energy-Strategy Germany 2020: Reduction of Final Energy Consumption until 2020 compared to E F F I Z I E N Z E N T S C H E I D E T -40 TWh/a, (-20 Mio t CO 2 p.a.) -180 TWh/a, (-70 Mio t CO 2 p.a.) -30 TWh/a, (-15 Mio t CO 2 p.a.) Electricity Power generation Transport Heating / DHW Reduction of Final Energy Consumption compared to 2003 Remaining Final Energy Consumption in 2020
7 E F F I C I E N C Y D E C I D E S Energy Efficiency Targets of Germany Climate Protection Programme of the Government from 23 August 2007 until 2020 reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 40% below the level of 1990 until 2030 increase of share of renewables for electricity generation up to 25-30% until 2020 increase of share of electricity from CHP for electricity generation up to 25% until 2020 increase of share of biofuels up to 17% fuels (energy related) Government declaration of 26. April 2007 reduction of electricity consumption by 11% through massive increase in energy efficiency Increase of renewables in the heat sector up to 14% Coalition agreement between CDU, CSU und SPD (November, 11 th 2005) 100 % increase in energy productivity (GDP per primary energy input) in Germany from 1990 until 2020
8 E F F I Z I E N Z E N T S C H E I D E T Development of energy efficiency in Germany: in relation to energy productivity aim: doubling of energy productivity 1990 – 2020 (+100%) Status: increase of energy productivity of 29% since 1990 average changing of energy productivity p.a.
9 E F F I Z I E N Z E N T S C H E I D E T CO-Emissionen in Deutschland.
10 E F F I Z I E N Z E N T S C H E I D E T Development of Renewable Energies in Germany
11 E F F I C I E N C Y D E C I D E S “Climate and Energy Package” of Meseberg (August 2007). Two-step amendment of Energy Saving Ordinance (Minimum requirements for new and existing buildings) 2009: 30% stronger requirements; 2012: another 30% planned. Prolongation and modification of the renewable energy sources act (EEG:guaranted feed-in tariffs for renewables). Renewable heat act: Share of 15% renewables (heat/ dhw) mandatory for newly constructed buildings. Retention of CO 2 rehabilitation programme at the current level until 2011 (1,4 Bill. € per year) and increase of promotion of market penetration for renewables (Marktanreizprogramm) up to 350 Mio. € p.a. 200 Mio. € p.a. (soft-loans) for Energy modernisation of social infrastructure (schools, kindergartens, etc.) Stepwise substitution of night-storage heaters Support for CHP-applications Facilitation of heat cost billing procedure
12 Current developments Massive Increase of energy prices leads to a public debate on the social burden sharing of climate protection and energy efficiency strategies New Instruments in discussion: donation of 150 € per A++ refrigerator tax reductions for CO2/energy efficient cars Massive enlargement and modifications of the 1,4 Bill. € CO2-Rehabilitation program (softloans) for the refurbishment of building stock. E F F I Z I E N Z E N T S C H E I D E T
Efficiency decides. Thank you. E F F I C I E N C Y D E C I D E S