Bicycle Facilities Design Lecture 25 Norman W. Garrick
National Association of City Transportation Officials
“Cities like Cambridge, Portland, and New York – that have had recent success in increasing bike use – have often taken steps to reduce motor vehicle speeds and volumes on streets with bike facilities or bike facility crossings. They have done this by reducing space for cars and adding space for bikes. “ Beyond Safety in Numbers: Why Bike Friendly Cities are Safer – Garrick and Marshall
Adapted from Furth: Bicycling Infrastructure for Mass Cycling
Lyngby Hovedgade, Lyngby, Denmark
Shared Road or Bike Boulevard in Long Beach, CA
Intersection Treatment on Bike Boulevard in Long Beach, CA
Adapted from Furth: Bicycling Infrastructure for Mass Cycling
What is the appropriate width of a Bicycle Lane?
Adapted from Furth: Bicycling Infrastructure for Mass Cycling
The Streets of Davis 14.5 ft min Avoiding the Door Zone Davis, CA
State Street, Santa Barbara, CA
Adapted from Furth: Bicycling Infrastructure for Mass Cycling
Cycle Tracks Amsterdam
Cycle Tracks Berlin
Protected Bike Lane New York City
A bike box is a designated area a signalized intersection that provides bicyclists with a safe and visible way to get ahead of queuing traffic. NACTO Bicycle Guide