Prof. Dominic Power Uppsala University Världsekonomins globalisering 1 Ekonomisk geografi - 10 poäng
Global Shift. Reshaping the Global Economic Map in the 21st century (5th edition, 2006) 600 pages: Globalisation’s when, where, how? Prof. Peter Dicken, School of Geography, Manchester University, UK TIPS: Focus on structures, concepts, theories… and not figures
PART I - THE SHIFTING CONTOURS OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY 1. Questioning Globalization 2. Global Shift: The Changing Global Economic Map PART II - PROCESSES OF GLOBAL SHIFT 3. Technological Change: ‘Gales of Creative Destruction’ 4. Transnational Corporations: The Primary Movers and Shapers of the Global Economy 5. ‘Webs of Enterprise’: The Geography of Transnational Production Networks 6. ‘The State is Dead…Long Live the State’ 7. ‘Doing it Their Way’: Variations in State Economic policies 8. Dynamics of Conflict and Collaboration: The Uneasy Relationship Between TNCs and States PART III - THE PICTURE IN DIFFERENT SECTORS 9. ‘Fabricating fashion’: The Clothing Industries 10. ‘Wheels of Change’: The Automobile Industry 11. ‘Chips with Everything: The Semiconductor Industry 12. ‘We Are What We Eat’: The Agro-food Industries 13. ‘Making the World go Round’: Financial Services 14. ‘Making the Connections, Moving the Goods’: The Logistics and. Distribution Industries PART IV - WINNING AND LOSING IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY 15. Winning and Losing: An Introduction 16. Good or Bad? Evaluating The Impact of TNCS on Home and Host Economies 17. Making a Living in Developed Countries: Where Will the Jobs Come From? 18. Making a Living in Developing Countries: Sustaining Growth, Enhancing Equity, Ensuring Survival 19. Making the World a Better Place 5TH EDITION
Part 1: Questioning Globalization The Changing Global Economic Map Globalisation debate Production chains / production systems The local and the global (agglomeration/cluster) Geo-economy and the environment
Globalisation debate Hyperglobalisation thesis (shared by both ”don’t fight it people” and ”antiglobalisation movements”): Globalisation is a fast and uncontrollable process - inevitable It’s a fundamental shift in the conditions for social and economic development It means a dramatic reduction in the power of the nation state Sceptics thesis : Its not really that new Globalisation is an ’idékonstruktion’ created for political ends World was just as globalised in its own way 1900 as 2000
Internationalisation (‘shallow integration’): nationally organised economies linked by trade; a process that has been going on a long time vs. Globalisation (‘deep integration’): National economies integrated together in a global production system, with TNCs as powerful actors; a much newer process Dicken: distinguishs between …
Book’s starting point: production chains…
Producer-driven vs Buyer-driven chains …
The book is not just about firms – it takes in a lot of other economic actors: e.g. the state
The end of geography/ the death of distance vs. Even in a globalizing world, all economic activities are geographically localized: geographical clustering of economic activities is the norm (Porter, etc.) Geography’s role in all this:
Even in a globalised world: economic activities tend to be geographically clustered. The bases of geographi clusters…
The changing global economic map The imprint of history The roller-coaster: aggregate trends in global economic activity Global shifts in production and trade Changing the lens: the macro-, micro- and meso scale of the global economy
”Pre-global” division of labour (1945)
Growing interconnectedness – widening gap between production and trade …
Its far from a smooth process… more of a rollercoaster ride
Global map of manufacturing production and growth 2005
Global map of services production and growth – 2005
Services ever more important (in money and jobs) – esp. In the richest countries
The world trade network : Europe dominates (lots of rich countries trading with each other – you tend to trade most with your neighbours); the bigger the area the more internal trade
Very sharp rises (production and trade) in certain NIEs, in SE Asia. Worse in middle East and Africa
Changing the lens … different spatial scales of globalisation Macro (”The Triad”) Micro (individual cities and city regions rather than countries) Meso (different ”cross-border”- phenomena: zoner; ”bananer” …)
Macro: The Triad
Micro: there are real differences between cities in different countries… a global geography of cities not countries?
Economy not always related to population
Meso: the blue banana, etc.
Meso: Cross-border development zones in Asia: e.g. growth triangle Singapore- Johor-Batam
Meso: ”Rio Grande-phenomenon”
Summary The world is changing We need to understand globalisation in economic terms 3 main forces are important…