Examining Total War & Russia’s Exit WW I
WHAT IS TOTAL WAR? Total War-When a nation devotes all its resources to a war effort I.E.-Factories that make cars are now instructed to make military jeeps Anything that can be spared is given to help fight a war During WW I Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Austria all took part in Total War
Rationing-People are only allowed to buy small amounts of items that are also being used to supply the war effort Propaganda-One sided information designed to persuade, to keep up morale and support the war effort
Russia was never prepared for World War I Civil unrest dominated the nation Many Russians are unhappy with the Czar (Emperor) Nicholas II
March Revolution occurs Nicholas II is forced to step down Later executed along with his family A New Government is formed
Russia Withdraws November 1917-New leader Vladimir Lenin seeks to get Russia out of WW I March 1918-Germany and Russia sign Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russia is out of WW I
Russia’s total losses for WW I, which include wounded, killed, or taken prisoner, are: 5.5 million