Ofsted inspections From September 2013 Main changes
Much stays the same The four areas of the framework remain - Achievement - Teaching - Behaviour and safety - Leadership and management Many of the evaluation criteria are similar There are clear changes of emphasis
Main changes Three areas are covered in much greater depth: the achievement of different groups students’ attitudes to learning the use of additional funding This is accompanied by toughening of some evaluation criteria inclusion of well-being and gains in knowledge throughout
Achievement of different groups - 1 Greater focus on expected and more than expected progress Clearer definitions of expected progress Harder to get ‘outstanding’ Much greater focus on the attainment and progress of different groups of students
Achievement of different groups - 2 Most able student – achieving the highest levels and grades Those supported through the pupil premium Year 7 catch-up premium Comparisons with others in the school (less focus on comparisons with national groups)
Achievement of different groups - 3 Primary school sports funding Secondary early entry policies and multiple entries Rigour of assessment in the EYFS How well the EYFS prepares students for the next stage of education in Year 1
Implications… Beef up the use of internal data in schools: use transition matrices, by sub level for threshold measures use average progress measures to take account of exceptional progress compare group outcomes with national data and other pupils in the school rethink early entry policies (secondary)
Teaching No single preferred model of teaching Evaluation criteria very similar A greater focus on gains in knowledge More emphasis on the most able students Accuracy of assessment (especially EYFS and KS1)
Inspectors will be looking for… How teaching engages and involves all students (including the most able) The impact of teaching assistants The accuracy of assessment How well teaching prepares students for the next stage of learning/training/employment
Implications… Planning sheets and observation schedules need to reflect the new emphases Teaching assistants need to be active, even when the teacher is talking, and focus on supporting learning rather than keeping students on task Assessments really need some form of cross- moderation
Behaviour and safety Evaluation criteria much extended Very strong focus on attitudes to learning Stronger focus on students being safe as well as feeling safe, including e-safety The views of different groups if students (for example, DSEN, EAL, most able, pupil premium
Inspectors will be looking for… Demonstration of good attitudes in lessons – a thirst for knowledge Detailed behavioural records of disruption of learning Discussions with a wider range of student groups Case studies relating to safety issues and the school’s responses
Implications… Schools need to focus on consistency of behaviour management and recording Follow up and deal with discrepancies with referrals from different teachers Observations will need to have a focus on students’ attitudes to learning
Leadership and management - 1 Extended evaluation criteria A greater focus on how well additional funding is used The contribution of the head teacher and support for other schools The accuracy, as well as rigour, of the school’s self-evaluation
Leadership and Management - 2 Greater focus on impact of actions Primary school sports funding linked to well-being and performance Independence of advice and guidance on progression (secondary) Preparation for adulthood
Leadership and management - 3 Track record of improvement for pupils supported through the pupil premium Quality of middle leadership and its development Succession planning The role of the governing body and its impact
Inspectors will be looking for… Good quality data on the use of pupil premium and Y7 catch-up funding and their impact A better understanding of the school’s performance data among governors The governing body to show evidence of its own impact in the school’s self evaluation Views of parents where no data on Parentview
Implications… Better support for governors on interpreting attainment and progress data Discussions with as many governors as possible Evidence of challenge from governors, not just support Much more emphasis on progress data Schools need a track record of improvement to support the school’s capacity to improve