Publication List (refereed Journal) using the GC data 1 Sawada et al.2011,PASJ (submited) 2 Uchiyama et al.2011,PASJ (submited) 3 Ohnishi et al.2011,PASJ (submited) 4 Dogiel et al. 2011,PASJ (accepted) 5 Uchiyama et al. 2011,PASJ (accepted) 6 Nobukawa et al.2011,ApJ (submited) 7 Nakashima et al.2010,PASJ,62,971 8 Nobukawa et al.2010,PASJ,62,423 9 Ryu et al.2009,PASJ,61, Mori et al.2009,PASJ,61, Fukuoka et al.2009,PASJ,61, Nobukawa et al.2009, AdSpR,43, Koyama et al.2009,PASJ,61, Inui et al.2009,PASJ,61, Nakajima et al.2009,PASJ,61, Yamauchi et al.2009,PASJ,61, Tsuru et al.2009,PASJ,61, Sawada et al.2009,PASJ,61, Hyodo et al.2009,PASJ,61,99 20 Nobukawa et al.2009,PASJ,61,93 21Koyama et al.2008, AN,.329, Yuasa et al.2008,PASJ,60, Koyama et al.2008,PASJ,60, Nobukawa et al.2008,PASJ,60, Mori et al.2008,PASJ,60, Hyodo et al.2008,PASJ,60, Miura et al.2008,PASJ,60,49 28 Koyama et al.2007,PASJ,59, Koyama et al.2007,PASJ,59, Tsujimoto et al.2007,PASJ,59, Koyama et al.2007,PASJ,59,221 The Galactic Center Key Project Katsuji Koyama, Kyoto University
Topics of my Talk 1. Discoveries of New SNR Candidates: Fe 6.7 keV line Si, S lines (ref: 7, 10, 12, 17, 18, 4, 25, 29, 31) 2. New Aspects of Peculiar Sources: G & Tornado (ref: 1, 3) keV, 6.9 keV line distribution : Origin of GCDX is different from GRXE (ref: 2, 13, 15, 31) keV Cloud: New discoveries : Sgr A--E (ref 2: 11, 15, 24, 31) 5. 3D-distribution of the XRN: Sgr B, Radio Src and Sgr C (ref: 9) 6. Time variability of 6.4 keV and Hard X-ray (ref: 4, 14, 21)
1. Discoveries of SNR Candidates Midle-Aged (<10000 y) SNRs (kT~1 keV) e.g. G (Mori et al. 2008) G G G359.41−0.12 G G0.42−0.04 Young (<1000 y) SNR G (Koyama et al. 2007) kT= 3.2 keV, Fe abundance= 5.1 Twin of Sgr A East ?
G Extremely Over- Ionized Plasma (RRC) This source is near HESS J Tornado Twin Plasma (blue) kT= ~ solar abundance N H = 7x10 22 at the Head and Tail of the Tornado 2. New Aspects of Peculiar Sources
Image Divided into many segments, fit the individual spectrum with a power-law + Gaussians. Fluxes (F) F 6.9 : 6.95 keV line F 6.7 : 6.7 keV line 3. Fe-Ka Lines (6.7, 6.9 keV) Distributions Diffuse or Point Sources ?
FeXXV Kα Line Profile vs Stellar Mass Distributi on KαExcess at GCDX Origin of GREX is different from GCDX Same analysis for Fe XXVI Kα found that the excess ratio is larger than that of FeXXV kT of GCDX > GREX Longitude Latitude
GCDX Divided into 2 x 16 regions Fit the spectra with power-law + Gaussians. Gamma, Fluxes (F) and Equivalent width (EW) F 5-10 : 5-10 keV band : F 6.4, EW 6.4 : 6.4 keV line F 6.7, EW 6.7 : 6.7 keV line 6.7 keV vs 6.4 keV lines
F 5-10 F F F F 6.4 In the GC region, about 2/3 (~1/1.5) of the 5-10 keV flux is associated with the 6.7 keV line, and the other 1/3 (~0.5/1.5) is associated with the 6.4 keV line.
F F 6.4 Deviation is found In the low flux side (GRXE) Same Analysis, but for the whole GC and GR regions GRXE is different from GCDX
l-distribution of the 6.4 keV lines Sgr A 4. Discoveries of New 6.4 keV Clouds Sgr B2 Sgr B1 M M M M M M M Arches G G
Parabola x 2 +y 2 = (300-y) 2 (Unit is light-year) 5. 3-D distribution of the 6.4 keV-Cloud Face-on View (Ryu et al. 2009, and this conference)
6. Time Variable 6.4 keV line & Hard X-rays
Thank you for your attention
1994 年 2000 年 2004 年 2005 年 X-ray front
F 6.4 ∝ Fc F 6.7 ∝ Fc
Iron line difference between GC/GR and bright CVs (> erg/s) EW6.7 GC & GR 450—550 eV (mean of 12: Yamauchi et al. 2009) m-CV 370 eV (mean of ~20 m-CVs: Ezuka et al. 1999)) Non-m CV250 eV (mean of 6 CVs: Rana et al. 2006) Thermal Plasma Fit GC & GR ~ solar m-CV ~0.4 (mean of ~20 CVs: Ezuka et al. 1999) ~0.4 (mean of 16 CVs: Yuasa et al. 2010) Non –m CVs ~0.3 (mean of 7 CVs Baskill et al. )