Odessa – 2016 Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea UkrSCES (Odessa, Ukraine)
MSFD management cycle (from Technical Guidance on Monitoring for the Marine Strategy Framework directive) We have been thinking and discussing for a long time about where we are… And now here we are…
Survey area
Coordinates of the monitoring stations №№ station Category Station Coordinates Latitude (northern) Longitude (eastern) №№ station Category Station Coordinates Latitude (northern) Longitude (eastern)
Numbers of sampling/observations NoClass of observati ons Type of sampling / observations + processing of samples Number of samples/observations and processed samples UkrSCESIMBONU Georgian institution 1HCMConductivity (Salinity) 2 Temperature 3 Depth 4 Secchi Disk 5 Oxygen 6 pH 7 Nutrients compounds of N+P 8MANWind 9 Temperature 10 Pressure 11 Atmospheric depositions for N+P compounds analysis 12 Atmospheric precipitation 13HBPhytoplankton 14 Chlorophyll a 15 Zooplankton 16 Bacterioplankton 17 Fish 18 Benthos 19 Macro-algae and Angiosperms 20P*POPs + Toxic Metals - water 21 *POPs + Toxic Metals – bottom sediments 22 *POPs + Toxic Metals - fish 23 *POPs + Toxic Metals – mollusks 24 *Radionuclide Cs BMBirds 26 Mammals 27SIOBathymetry 28 Passive POPs samplers testing
Hydrobiological observations №ParameterParticipating organisation 1 Chlorophyll a (in situ and satellite data)UkrSCES 2Phytoplankton (species composition, abundance, biomass)UkrSCES, IMB 3Mesozooplankton (species composition, abundance, biomass)UkrSCES, IMB 4Macrozooplankton (species composition, abundance, biomass))UkrSCES, IMB 5Microzooplankton (species composition, abundance, biomass)IMB 6Ichtiopalnkton (species composition, abundance, biomass)IMB, ONU, UkrSCES 7Macrozoobenthos (species composition, abundance, biomass)UkrSCES, IMB 8Meiobenthos (species composition, abundance, biomass)UkrSCES, IMB 9Macrophytobenthos (species composition, abundance, biomass)UkrSCES, IMB 10Microphytobenthos (species composition, abundance, biomass)UkrSCES 11Biotesting (water quality assessment)UkrSCES 12Microbiological studyUkrSCES, IMB, ONU 13Mammals (species composition, population size)UkrSCES, IMB
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