WTF-CEOP JAXA Prototype Demo September 11, 2006 Satoko Horiyama MIURA – JAXA Ben Burford - RESTEC
Demo Agenda This demo is in 2 parts: Part 1 – screenshots from past CEOS/WGISS demos reviewing the CEOP data types and the basic JAXA Prototype System functions. Part 2 – a live demo showing new data and features added since the last CEOS/WGISS meeting.
Progress since last CEOS/WGISS Meeting
ISO format for in-situ data (1) Reference Site name: "MAGS BERMS" Station name: "Old_Aspen_NW" Altitude of station: Latitude: Longitude: Start date: 2002/10/1 Start time: 0:30 Stop date: 2004/12/31 Stop time: 23:30 Soil temperature depths:-0.02m,-0.05m,-0.10m,-0.20m Soil moisture depths:-0.05m,-0.20m,-1.00m Name of the in-situ data file: /MAGS_BERMS_ _ stm
ISO format for in-situ data (2) 232. MD_Contentinformation 233. MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription 238. featureCatalogueCitation (CI_Citation) 359. CI_Citation 367. citedResponsibleParty (CI_ResponsibleParty) 374. CI_ ResponsibleParty 378. contactInfo (CI_Contact) 387. CI_Contact 390. onlineResource (CI_OnlineResource) 396. CI_OnlineResource 397. Linkage URL
NCEP MOLTS Forecast Data
Next: Live demo (following are screenshots of the live demo)