TOP SCHOLAR Digital Research WKU Mike Binder Dean of Libraries Western Kentucky University Presentation at Council of Academic Deans Retreat, Western Kentucky University, February 2, 2007
Definition “An Institutional Repository is an online locus for collecting and preserving–in digital form– the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution.” —Wikipedia
Purposes in General “to provide open access to institutional research output by self-archiving it; “to store and preserve other institutional digital assets, including unpublished or otherwise easily lost ("grey") literature (e.g., theses or technical reports).” —Wikipedia
Purposes of IR at WKU To offer centralized system/service that supports University’s intellectual life without replacing departmental web sites nor preventing duplication To promote scholarly communication and learning To improve retention of and access to University’s scholarly output: collection of research and teaching materials
Purposes of IR at WKU (cont.) To facilitate and enhance information access and develop new initiatives that support a dynamic academic environment To embrace the research and learning resources being developed by both the faculty and the students of the university–in essence the entire university community
Benefits of IR for WKU IR provides fail-safe and lasting records IR expedites traditional publication model IR showcases faculty and student research to funding agencies IR promotes searchability through search engines like Google IR propels us into the vanguard of universities across the USA, who are attempting to provide both open and greater access to their research
Sample Contents Faculty Publications Faculty curriculum vita Graduate theses and dissertations Undergraduate Honors Program theses Presentations, poster sessions and other works of student research conference Working papers of the colleges; technical reprints; white papers; gray literature Special collections, folklife, photographs, Digital Kentuckiana
Sample Contents, cont’d. University lectures from outside speakers Learning modules, separated from course support, and deposited for use across disciplines by anyone Performances, other multimedia artistic creations Robert Penn Warren Center (lectures, symposia) Jim Wayne Miller Writing Contest papers Publications resulting from Center for the Study of the Civil War in the West Engaging in the Spirit presentations Research from the Applied Research and Technology Centers Hoffman Environmental Institute projects, maps, unpublished theses
Structure & Cost Hosted service (Outsourcing) ProQuest/bepress Cost for 1-Year Pilot Project: WKU Libraries $18,000 PIE Request:$18,225 Subtotal:$36,225 Staffing Reassignment of additional responsibilities to library positions involved in currently working with the colleges (liaison librarians/subject librarians)
Why ProQuest Enables us to move forward rapidly within a proven framework that promotes electronic submissions and attendant files Creates PDFs Uploads notifications that a document is ready for viewing and final addition to the system through a series of administrative steps
Guarantees for Success Commitment from University Deans and central administration Buy-in from University faculty Collaboration with IT and legal counsel Policy for development and maintenance Marketing values and benefits
A University-wide committee with faculty representatives from the colleges would serve as a steering committee for start-up initiatives and spreading the word about the potential power of this initiative. llibcom.html Guarantees for Success (cont.)
Licensing & Permissions Requires legal parameters for uploading data, granting or receiving rights, distribution rights, and privacy usage data and stats Requires understanding of differences in copyright, fair use, and publishing licenses Allows items to be removed by copyright holders
Librarians Assigned to Colleges to Play Key Role Encourage and assist creators of intellectual works to deposit their materials Actively seek contents Train authors in software use and protocol Develop training materials for users Advocate to campus community the value of TOP SCHOLAR--D igital Research WKU
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