UNIONE EUROPEA Jorge Sevilla Cedillo Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Catania 2
Introduction gLibrary features Use Case: Federico de Roberto DR with gLibrary Implementation details Future plans 3
Share information around the world ◦ Grid infrastructures have huge capacity to store data. ◦ Metadata Catalogs provide metadata describing data. ◦ File Catalogs used to map logical names to replicas. Safe fragile documents ◦ Old manuscripts. Easy and fast Interface ◦ PHP classes for the business logic on server side ◦ AJAX/SmartClient web interface on the client side. 4
Extensible, robust, secure and easy-to-use system to handle digital assets storage. ◦ By Digital Asset, we mean any kind of content and/or media represented as a computer file. Image, Videos, e-books… Easy web interface to search, organize and retrieve files on the Grid. Fast asset updating. Fine-grained authorization mechanism. 5
iTunes is an easy interface to handle multimedia assets ◦ iPod software manager ◦ To play and organize digital music and video files 6
gLibrary implements a iTunes-like interface ◦ AMGA save metadata to organize files stored on the grid ◦ gLibrary allows to store, organize, search and retrieve digital assets on a Grid environment 7 Grouped by type: a list of specific attributes to describe each kind of asset to be managed by the system hierarchical (a child type shares and extend parent’s attributes) queried during searches
Retrieve data from the grid, it is easy for non- expert users. gLibrary allows to retrieve data with only some clicks ◦ selection of a replica link from a list ◦ transfers can be handled over HTTPS with X.509 Grid Cert AuthN/AuthZ. 8
Users can change metadata information, with a simple form ◦ Edit Generic Attributes ◦ Edit Specific Attributes 9
Provide a solution to share de Roberto works: ◦ to store the 8000 scans of De Roberto Heritage ----> Grid Storage Elements ◦ to enable an ubiquitous and 24/24h access to scientists ---> web application ◦ document organization for a fast search ---> metadata services ◦ long-term digital preservation of data ---> redundancy through replicas of files on several Storage Elements ◦ easy-to-use interface for searches, organization, upload and download of digitalized documents. ---> 10
11 AttributoValore Titlela lupa Authorfederico de roberto, giovanni verga Descriptionmanoscritto della tragedia lirica … Keywordsverismo, federico de roberto, la lupa, … CaptionWriterstefania iannizzotto, alessandro … CopyrightStatuscopyrighted PageNum5 TotalPages34 DocumentGenretragedia lirica PublicationYear1916 Publsherofficine tipo-litografiche barravecchia e balestrini FileTypePDF Resolution300 ScanQualitygood ◦ Filter definition per type: ◦ DocumentGenre ◦ Title ◦ FileType ◦ ScanQuality ◦ DocumentType ◦ PublicationYear ◦ PublicationStatus ◦ Publisher ◦ Location ◦ Types definition for the assets of the DR library ◦ Attributes definition for type. Is:
SmartClient is an AJAX framework. It provides: ◦ A zero-install DHTML/Ajax client engine. ◦ Rich user interface components and services ◦ Client-server databinding systems. Rich client application. ◦ High productivity interfaces to end users. Thin client application ◦ Run in the standard web browsers available on every computers 12
Client-side Ajax ◦ Minimize server contact. Retrieve data from server asynchronously in the background. Multi-platform ◦ integrates with any server platform through standards-based approaches such as REST and WSDL web services. Incremental upgrade ◦ Components can be easy embedded in existing applitacions. ◦ Grid, forms…add without architectural changes. Object-oriented ◦ Provide JavaScript APIs with a true class system. ◦ To extend, custumize and create new SmartClient components. 13
Ajax MVC ◦ provides a standard model for server contact, simplifies to learn each other's code. ◦ loading and saving of data is performed Cache and reuse load data. Handle load on demand for high data volume application Performs operations within the browser(sort, filter) Metadata-driven ◦ Allows to use standard sources of metadata JB, XML or JSON Offline, desktop, mobile capable ◦ applications can reach the mobile world with no change in code 14
We use only client services. ◦ The first layer connects by https to the server, and takes the data. ◦ The next layer is about data binding, where the application takes information from the server and make operations with them. ◦ At the top, there is the graphical user interface, it’s interactive with users. 15
16 SmartClient on the grid: gLibrary
Its an intuitive web interface ◦ like “iTunes” browser, allows to find the right asset with a just a few mouse clicks. Implemented as a web application with SmartClient ◦ can be used on any platforms. Used gLibrary class, developed in php ◦ Implemented at INFN Catania 17
Schema integrated by glibrary class, web interface, and connection between glibrary class and smartclient. ◦ gLibrary Class: use mdclient.php API. Done in php. SSL Connection through mdclient.php. Cert x.509 AuthN/AuthZ. Get data from catalog server. Methods for get collections, get entries attributes. Information or filter attributes. Get/Set data to config web interface characteristics. With cells, visual attributes, title columns. Set data to catalog server, we can save modified entries. Methods to set attribute values. Return data in array format. 18
◦ Glibrary_connection: written in php. Glibrary_connection takes RPC request data from smartclient and call the required glibrary methods. Request arrive in GET or POST method. The web interface calls (RPC) this code then it returns data from glibrary.class in JSON format. Datasource Format. Read only type. data:[{“name”:”Name”, ”type”:”text”}{“name”:”Size”, “type”:”int”}…]. RestDataSource Format. Read/write type. {response:{ status:0,data:[ {“name”:”Name”, ”type”:”text”}{“name”:”Size”, “type”:”int”}… }] 19
− Web interface: Implementation based in SmartClient code. Use databiding, it can load on demand the information from server and keep in databound data type. This tool provides a UI where to show the databound data, to save changes in server data and to filter required data. Widget used: TreeGrid to show hierarchical Collection. ListGrid to show attributes entries. ComboBox and listGrid to make filtering. DetailView to show all details about a entry. DynamicForm to change and save data. Layout to organize, show and hide widgets. 20
We are implementing: ◦ Group by collections. ◦ Relation links. Design and implement an administration front-end for gLibrary. ◦ To create and define new libraries for repository administrators Use of DRI engine with gLibrary new front-end to offer a Services Oriented platform for DR? 21
Contact: Prototype of the De Roberto Digital Repository: ◦ gLibrary project homepage (currently under maintaince): ◦ Papers: A.Calanducci, C. Cherubino, L. N. Ciuffo, D. Scardaci, “A Digital Library Management System for the Grid”, Fourth International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Next-generation GRID (ETNGRID 2007) at 16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2007), GET/INT Paris, France, June 18-20, 2007 ( B.A. Calanducci, C. Cherubino, L. N. Ciuffo, D. Scardaci, “gLibrary: Digital Asset Management System for the Grid”, IEEE Hypermedia and Grid Systems Conference at 30th Jubilee International Convention MIPRO, Opatija, Croatia, May ( 23
24 Thank you for the attention