Third National PISA Symposium Science Session II Science curriculum and PISA science – first cousins or distant relatives? Bill Lynch, NCCA
2 Overview PISA; scientific literacy Curriculum science Relationship between science curriculum and PISA science –What evidence can be examined? –What does it tell us? –What can we conclude? Summary and conclusion
3 PISA Rather than assessing school-based curricula, PISA assesses students’ performance on ‘real-life’ tasks that are considered relevant for effective participation in adult society and for life-long learning. Score A
4 Scientific literacy (OECD, 2006) An individual’s: scientific knowledge and use of that knowledge to identify questions, to acquire new knowledge, to explain scientific phenomena, and to draw evidence- based conclusions about science-related issues understanding of the characteristic features of science as a form of human knowledge and enquiry awareness of how science and technology shape our material, intellectual, and cultural environments, and willingness to engage in science-related issues, and with the ideas of science, as a reflective citizen. Score B
5 Four dimensions of scientific literacy Context (real-life settings/contexts) Knowledge (of science, about science) Competencies (identifying, explaining, using) Attitudes (interest, support, responsibility)
6 Assessment in PISA Competencies –Identifying scientific issues (22%) –Explaining phenomena scientifically (48%) –Using scientific evidence (30%) Knowledge of science (56.3%) –Earth and space systems (10.7%); living systems (21.3%) –physical systems (16.5%); technology systems (7.8%) Knowledge about science (43.7%) –scientific enquiry (23.3%); scientific explanations (20.4%) Score C
7 Curriculum science - background Development of JC Science – Intermediate Certificate Science – Day Vocational (Group) Certificate Science – Junior Certificate Science; Local Studies (1989) Addressing issues – Under-representation of the physical sciences in Core and Extensions – Effect of choice on course coverage Revised syllabus (2003)
8 Curriculum science (DES, 2003/2008) The study of science: contributes to a broad and balanced educational experience for students, extending their experiences at primary level is concerned with the development of scientific literacy and associated science process skills, together with an appreciation of the impact that science has on our lives and environment In an era of rapid scientific and technological change… (it) is fundamental to the development of the confidence required to deal with the opportunities and challenges that such change presents in a wide variety of personal and social contexts. Score D
9 Syllabus aims and objectives (pp.4,5) Aims Development of skills though practical activities Acquiring a body of scientific knowledge Developing appreciation and awareness Balanced understanding of physical, biological and chemical dimensions of science Objectives Knowledge and understanding Skills Attitudes Score E
10 Syllabus structure (p.5) Biology –food digestion and associated body systems –skeletal/muscular system, senses, reproduction –animals, plants and micro-organisms Chemistry –classification of substances –air, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water –atomic structure, reactions and compounds Physics –force and energy –heat, light and sound –magnetism, electricity and electronics Score F
11 Syllabus presentation Main topics Sub-topics Learning outcomes –mandatory investigations (10 per section) Assessment –Coursework A (10%) –Coursework B (25%) –Terminal examination (65%)
12 Examining the relationship between curriculum science and PISA science Why are we examining this? How should we examine it? –What evidence is available? –What does it tell us? –What significance should we attach to it? What conclusions can we draw? What influence can/should it have?
13 Student performance Strong correlation between performance on PISA science and on JC Science (including sub-scales) Performance on PISA a reasonable proxy for performance on JC Science –OL versus non-science students (no benefit in terms of scientific literacy?) Test-curriculum rating – all items somewhat or very familiar (see Tables 5.11, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14) –Change since 2000 Score G
14 PISA items and JC Science Syllabus section% PISA items Not on the syllabus15.5 Biology29.1 Chemistry14.6 Physics22.3 Other/general18.4 Score H
15 JC Science PISA competencies Examination paper (HL/OL) –Explaining (90.8/97.7); –Identifying (2.3/0.8) –Using (6.9/1.5) Coursework (A/B) –Explaining (33.3/0) –Identifying (13.3/60) –Using (53.3/40) PISA competencies Explaining (48%) Identifying (22%) Using (30%) Score I
16 Drawing conclusions from the evidence Closer alignment between JC Science and PISA in 2006, but little difference in performance In science, a weaker link between PISA item familiarity and performance compared to reading or mathematics Different elements of JC Science relate in different ways to PISA competencies So…
17 First cousins or distant relatives? Different origins/parentage (thus not siblings!) Some similar characteristics (potential family ties?) Strong (cor)relation between them in terms of student performance
18 Over to you … How closely related did you judge them to be? How closely related do you think they should be? Thank You! Score J