Tutorials, Philosophical Chairs Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Tuesday, 3/1 EQ: How can I support a position in a professional way? Pick up a note card from the blue AVID bin. Set room up for tutorials Upcoming dates… Tuesday, 3/1 – Tutorials Thursday, 3/3 - Tutorials Thursday, 3/3 – grade check, planner check Monday, 3/7 – Tutorials Wednesday, 3/9 – study day; no TRFs Friday, 3/11 – grade check, planner check, CN check, END of the 3NWS Friday, 4/15 – service learning hour documentation due Thursday, 4/28 – service learning research paper is due W/O 5/1 – Service learning presentations
Reflection If you presented, describe your ‘a ha’ moment. If you did not present, describe a presenters ‘a ha’ moment explain why. Grade your TRFs.
Where we’ve been… Read the USA today article to give you an overview on the topic. When you finish the article find a different source that has reported on this topic. Decide, in your mind, which side of the controversy you align with. Come tell me your side discretely…no one else should hear. You may see both sides but you must take a position!
Philosophical Chairs