Scales of production What is meant by 'scales of production'?
Continuous Production: Continuous production is when a company keeps its production lines open 24/7. Companies that manufacturing products such as shampoos, cars or soft drinks tend to use continuous production. Continuous production allows the to ensure a constant supply of the product is transported to shops and distributors. Above: image taken from Above: image taken from
Product like CD covers or fancy chocolate boxes tend to be mass produced. Mass production is when the product is produced for days or weeks in large quantities. In mass production different workers in the production line are responsible for a certain part of the product. Mass Production: Images taken from
Batch Production: Batch production is when a company makes a their product in batches For example, furniture manufacturers such as Ikea often make their furniture in batches. A particular design may be manufactured two hundred times and then the style will change and the production line will be switched to manufacture this new design Companies that batch produce are usually capable of switching what they manufacture quite quickly. Top right: image taken from
One off Production: One off production means that just one of a product is made. One off production is used by fashion designers in their catwalk collections. Right: image taken from
Just in time production is when products are made as and when they are needed. The arrive at the factory at exactly the time they are needed which saves on warehouse costs. Companies such as car manufacturers sometimes use JIT production. Just in time (JIT) Production: Above: image taken from
You now have 15 minutes to write a description of; Continuous production Mass production Batch production One off production JIT production If you get stuck, you can use page 71 of the revision guide to help you. The task