High Level Joint Committee (HLJC) Bodies of the HLJC Main tasks and working procedures Andreas Holtkotte, Focal Area Coordinator Environment and Energy, Director KfW Office Cairo
Bodies of the HLJC Joint Committee (JC) Chairpersons Working Groups Working Groups Secretariat
Joint Committee “Guidance and Direction“ being accountable for all HLJC activities receiving proposals from Working Groups discussing / reviewing / refining (returning) proposals giving definite recommendations / guidance ensuring appropriate budget allocation and use of financial resources
Chairperson of Working Group “Guiding the Experts“ ensuring proper functioning of Working Groups, chairing it’s sessions, acting as contact person monitoring adequate resource allocation within given budget ceilings forwarding proposals of Working Group through Secretariat to JC, presenting proposals at JC meetings acting as permanent observer in JC meetings
Working Groups “Idea Factory“ discussing relevant topics in-depth, developing proposals for JC identifying deficiencies in system operation and maintenance, developing solutions / policies establishing concepts / policies for increased private sector involvement (investment, O+M, etc.) identifying current short-comings in sector financing, proposing adequate financing tools / instuments
Working Groups “Idea Factory“ identifying and preparing “bankable“ projects / approaches involving consultants, in case of need participating in workshops, study tours, if needed networking with external expertise / institutions
Secretariat “Ensuring Things Happen“ only permanent body of JC, “entry gate for the outside world” facilitating, coordinating, supporting (classical secretariat function) budgeting / managerial accounting for HLJC bodies preparing JC and Working Group meetings, drafting and distributing MoM following-up implementation of JC recommendations (“Action Plan”)
Secretariat “Ensuring Things Happen“ gathering/ disseminating information and knowledge amongst HLJC-bodies and members link between JC, Chairpersons and Working Groups drafting ToR, identifying / contracting consultants, mission follow-up (on request of Working Groups) organizing / identifying workshops, seminars, study tours (on request of Working Groups) developing and maintaining HLJC homepage, submitting annual reports on HLJC activities
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