Logic Gates The processor is made up of millions of logic gates. These are used to make decisions. Each gate takes an electric input and outputs a result based on it. Watch video – Logic Gate Basics.
Logic Gates Three basic types of logic gate AND Gate OR Gate NOT Gate By combining millions of these gates together the processor in computers can make very complex decisions.
Logic Gates - (A and B)
Logic Gates – (A or B)
Logic Gates – (Not A)
Logic Gates Logic Gates can be joined together to form a circuit – for instance: If we take the light bulb as Q then we can say that – Q = Not (A and B)
Logic Gates Consider this statement: Consider a car which sounds a warning buzzer when the keys out of the ignition and the lights are left on or the car is left in gear. We could create a logic diagram for this:
Logic Gates Consider this statement: Consider a car which sounds a warning buzzer when the keys out of the ignition and the lights are left on or the car is left in gear. A truth table would look like this Keys (A)Lights (B)Gear (C)(Not A)B and (Not A) C or (B and (Not A))
Logic Gates Task 1 Have a go of Logic Gates Worksheet 1 If you feel up for the challenge – have a go at the more difficult ones in Question 2.
Logic Gates Task 2 – Presentation on Logic Gates Create a presentation using either PowerPoint or You have to include: History of Boolean logic What are logic gates? How do computers use logic gates? Explain the NOT, AND and OR gate – use diagrams and include truth tables.