City Council RECOMMENDATION Open the public hearing, receive public testimony; close the public hearing; and, By motion, adopt a Resolution adopting an Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and conditionally approving a modification to Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 16146, and modification to Architectural Control (AC) August 19, 2014
City Council Aerial Photo 3 August 19, 2014 Project Site
City Council Project History December 20, City Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and approved Tentative Tract Map (TTM) for 31 residential units – Belladonna Estates. August 30, Application submittal for Oliva, The New Home Company, Architectural Control (AC) and Tentative Tract Map (TTM) Modification. October 23, Development Services Director grants Administrative Approval of a minor Map Modification. 4 August 19, 2014
City Council Project History February 11, Planning Commission approved AC July 8, Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending City Council adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration Addendum, approval of a modification to TTM and approval of a modification to AC August 19, 2014
City Council Proposed Modifications The modifications include: Elimination of separate access for Lots Emergency access road relocated further south. Homes on Lots to front on the westerly cul-de-sac street (“B” Street on TTM 17655), as opposed to the currently mapped “A” street on TTM Pad grades for Lots will be elevated to allow for access from “B” Street. Lots will take access from the new internal “C” Street. 6 August 19, 2014
City Council Proposed Modifications Modification of Entry at Del Obispo - Modified to increase turning movement & sight distance at Del Obispo Street & vehicular stacking into the project, new entry kiosk and turnaround prior to the gate. Coordinated access with future development located immediately across Del Obispo Street. Deletion of previously approved Conditions of Approval No’s. 54, 60, 69 g and 69 h (Resolution ) and Conditions 7 & 8 (Resolution No ). 7 August 19, 2014
PROPOSED SITE / PLOTTING PLAN City Council 8 August 19, 2014 Proposed Modifications Eliminate cul-de-Sac. Eliminate emergency access road. Elevated pad grades. Modified entry drive.
City Council COMPOSITE ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN 9 August 19, 2014 TTM 17655
City Council RECOMMENDATION Open the public hearing, receive public testimony; close the public hearing; and, By motion, adopt a Resolution adopting an Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and conditionally approving a modification to Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 16146, and modification to Architectural Control (AC) August 19, 2014
City Council QUESTIONS? 11 August 19, 2014