A major role that is reserved to Surveyors is the establishment of property boundaries This is often referred to asCADASTRAL This is often referred to as CADASTRALSURVEYING Legal Boundaries
A Cadastre Is a French word for a system that records the size and location of land parcels, their owners and everybody that has rights on them. All Cadastral systems are supported by a surveys system which is the sole responsibility of the surveyor to update and maintain. The following slides show some of the services that surveyors offer.
Subdivisions Creation of new lots Creation of new lots
Surveyor’s Real Property Report Used in land transactions Used in land transactions
Page 11 Condominium Surveys To allow the purchase of condo space To allow the purchase of condo space
Boundary Disputes
Land Claim Surveys Defining the extent of Aboriginal Rights
Offshore Surveying Defining our nation’s outer limit (Law of the Sea)