The Future of Legal Research Law Librarian Survey Legal Writing Institute Conference 2006
© 2006 Mary Rose Strubbe and Keith Stiverson These charts represent excerpts from surveys of attorneys and law librarians in the Chicago area. The surveys were developed by members of the research and writing faculty and the library staff at Chicago-Kent College of Law, and were taken in late 2004-early 2005.
Librarians by Organization N: 46
Organization Size N: 45
Who Does Legal Research N: 57
Are new attorneys trained to do legal research? N: 54
Who Does Training N: 46
Which skills emphasized for in-house training? N: 35
Specific Skills/Resources Emphasized N: 35
Generic Skills Emphasized N: 35
Are new attorneys aware of resources helpful in their practice area(s)? N: 47
Are new attorneys able to research effectively and efficiently prior to in-house training? N: 47
Skills Found Lacking N: 44
Are attorneys trained to use free online resources? N: 48
Which Free Web Resources N: 25
Frequency of Use of Electronic Resources
Which resources are available to your attorneys? N: 48
Which resources are most used by attorneys at your organization? N: 47
Most-Often Named Other Electronic Resources N: 28
Most-often named other resources available to attorneys N: 28
Does your organization pay a flat fee for access to electronic resources? N: 48
Without a flat fee arrangement, are you able to bill clients for online research costs? N: 40
Print Materials Purchased N: 47
Cancellation of Print Materials N: 49
Print Materials Cancelled N: 39
Suggestions to Legal Research Programs
Changes in Last 5 Years N: 32
Anticipated Changes in Next 5 Years N: 29