MR250 Medical Records I Unit 3 Donna M. Zwerk R.N., M.A.
MT Client Any MT Client issues this week? Let’s go over the errors and corrections for last week Any questions on any of these corrections?
Dermatology The skin is the largest organ in the body Integumentary system Layers of the skin-epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous What do these different layers do-can anyone tell my some functions of the dermis? SubQ? What about the outer layer the epidermis?
Accessory structures Hair Nails Glands-exocrine, endocrine Sebaceous, sweat-what are their functions? Nerve endings
Common skin diseases Rash, rubor, erythema Dermatitis Sebborrheic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis Rosacea Psoriasis Skin infections-bacterial-cellulitis, folliculitis, fungal, viral Tinea
Skin diseases continued Shingles Burns-rule of 9s Skin cancer, basal cell, squamous cell and melanoma SOME TERMS Wheal, melanotic, mottling, bullous, carbuncle, lipoma, pruritic, macula, papule
Meds used to treat conditions of the skin Topical –hydrocortisones, antibiotics Triple antibiotic, gentamycin, bacitracin, Triamcinalone- % makes them prescription or OTC Surgical procedures on skin Biopsy, shave excision, punch biopsy-excision of… Sutures, hemostatis, wound care Pathological reports, frozen section or routine Cytology
Dermatology Unit Some links to help you with dermatology html html ex.html
More Dermatology nscription_services.htm
Transcription tips Subcuticular Maculopapular ABCDE assessment of skin cancer Mohs surgery Punch biopsy 4-mm punch biopsy was performed Excision of a lesion Hyperpigmented keratotic lesion Actinic keratotic or keratoses
Final Questions?