Edward Armstrong Jorge Vazquez Mike Chin Mike Davis James Pogue JPL PO.DAAC California Institute of Technology 28 May 2009 GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
Introduction From GHRSST project web site: SST product validation/verification should be based on inter-comparisons: With in situ SST observations made using ships (e.g., radiometers, thermistors, thermosalinographs) and buoys (drifting and moored)... How good are GHRSST L4 products in dynamic coastal regimes. ? How do they intercompare ? Compare 4 GHRSST products in US coastal waters over 1 year (Jun June 2008) GHRSST products: AVHRR_OI, AVHRR_AMSR_OI, OSTIA, mw_ir_OI 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
GHRSST Level 4 Foundation Temperature 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
GHRSST Level 4 products AVHRR_OI Blends AVHRR Pathfinder SST with in situ SST from buoys and ships. Daily 28 km resolution. “blend” SST. AVHRR_AMSR_OI Same as above but with addition of AMSRE SST OSTIA Blends AVHRR, AATSR, AMSRE,. TMI, SEVIRI and in situ data. Daily 6 km resolution. Foundation SST. mw_ir_OI Blends AMSRE and MODIS SST. Daily 9 km resolution. Foundation SST. 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
The Challenge ! SST frontal probability – Mar May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
SST frontal probability – Sep May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
NDBC Buoy Locations 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
Gulf of Mexico matchup statistics over 1 year Bias: GHRSST_SST - buoy_SST Std Deviation of Bias Legend: AVHRR_AMSR_OI AVHRR_OI OSTIA mw_ir_OI 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
Southwest Atlantic Bias: GHRSST_SST - buoy_SSTStd Deviation of Bias Legend: AVHRR_AMSR_OI AVHRR_OI OSTIA mw_ir_OI 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
Northeast Pacific Bias: GHRSST_SST - buoy_SSTStd Deviation of Bias Legend: AVHRR_AMSR_OI AVHRR_OI OSTIA mw_ir_OI 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
24 hour vs. night only matchups Legend: AVHRR_OI AVHRR_AMSR_OI OSTIA mw_ir_OI Do nighttime only comparison improve matchup statistics ?? 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
Satellite vs. insitu independence mw_ir_OI: no buoys used in assimilation OSTIA: buoys used 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
Conclusions Most satellite Level 4 products are characterized by larger errors in dynamic areas of coastal regimes near shelf breaks, upwelling and strong eddy areas as compared to offshore areas. Overall the errors are on the order of 0.5 degC although can be as large as 1.0 degC There is generally no improvement in nighttime only comparisons Differences are less than 0.1 degC. Still the representation of foundation temperature in these regions must be treated with some caution. Buoy assimilation inhibits independence of comparisons. Data producers must document which buoy they have used. Future: Include more L4 products such as ODYSSEA, K10_SST, and GAMSSA Investigate seasonal and interannual comparisons Made more possible with new GDAC L4 validation system in support of MUR L4 products May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA
GHRSST L4 validation 28 May 2009
GHRSST L4 validation 28 May 2009GHRSST Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA